TORUS 2025 Help
Adaptive Roundabout
Adaptive Roundabout
Add Component
Add Leg / Edit Leg
Add Leg / Edit Leg
Add Leg / Edit Leg
Add Leg / Edit Leg
Add Movement
Add Movement
Add Movement
Add Movement
Add Movement
Adjust Grading Leg Length
Analysis Conditions Category
Angle of Visibility Sight Line
Annotations Category
Approach Radius 1 Generation
Approach Radius 2 Generation
Approach Radius 3 Generation
Approach To Crosswalk Sight Line
Approach To Yield Line Sight Line
Area Estimation Report
Assemblies Category
Authorizing TORUS
Axle Group Details
Bypass Lane Category
Circulating Lane Opening Widths Category
Circulating Lanes Category
Circulatory Offsets Category
Circulatory Sight Line
Civil 3D Grading Objects
Compare Design Iterations
Configure Biarc Entry
Configure Bypass Lane
Configure Central Island
Configure Circulating Lanes
Configure Circulatory Offsets
Configure Construction Triangle
Configure Crosswalk
Configure Displayed Sections
Configure Displayed Sections
Configure Entry Lane
Configure Entry Path Radius and Offsets
Configure Exit Lane
Configure Exit Path Radius and Offsets
Configure High Speed Entry
Configure Intermediate Path Radius
Configure Iteration List
Configure Lane Taper
Configure Median
Configure Mountable Curb
Configure Opening Width Vehicle Path
Configure Splitter Island
Configure Splitter Island Envelope
Configure Vehicle List
Construction Triangle Category
Contact Transoft Category
Create New Design
Crosswalk Category
Daylight Settings
Design Conditions Category
Design Grading
Design Guideline Display Category
Design Guidelines
Design Manager
Design Symbols Category
Design Vehicles
Dynamic Fastest Path
Edit Alignment Start Station
Edit Arrow
Edit Assembly
Edit Component
Edit Cross-slope Region
Edit Edge
Edit Iteration Details
Edit Legs - Adaptive Roundabout
Edit Movement
Edit Movement
Edit Movement
Edit Movement
Edit Movement
Edit Roundabout
Edit Roundabout Adaptive
Edit Tutorial
Edit Vertical Profile
Edit Yield Line
Element Properties
Entry Angle Measurement
Evaluate Fastest Path
Evaluate Movements
Evaluate Movements
Evaluate Movements
Evaluate Movements
Evaluate Sight Lines
Fastest Path
Fastest Path Category
Fastest Path Category
Fastest Path on Adaptive Roundabouts
Fastest Path Results
Fastest Path Settings
Fixed Lane Widths Category
Footprint Category
General Category
General Category
Generate Report
Generate Roundabout
Generate Roundabout / Edit Roundabout
Generate Roundabout / Edit Roundabout
Generate Roundabout / Edit Roundabout
Generate Roundabout / Edit Roundabout
Generate Roundabout / Edit Roundabout
Grading Category
Grading Category
Grading Model Configuration
Grading Settings
High Speed Entry Category
Hints Category
Information Category
Inscribed Circle Category
Intersection Sight Line
Iteration Summary Report
Lane Transitions Category
Lane Widths
Leg Arc Radii Category
Leg Biarc Entry Category
Leg Offsets Category
Legs Category
Licensing Category
Logging into Your Transoft Solutions Account
Manage Assemblies
Mountable Curb Category
Movements - Envelopes Category
Movements - General Category
Movements - Hatching Category
Movements - Path Category
Movements - Vehicles Category
New Assembly
New Design Guideline
Notifications Category
Patent Information Category
Path Overlap Analysis
Pavement Markings
Permissions Category
Program Limitations
Refine Arcs
Refine Edges
Refined Edges Category
Remove Design Vehicle
Rename Design
Road Widening Category
Roundabout - General Category
Roundabout Category
Roundabout Illustration Legend
Roundabout Summary Report
Roundabout Wizard
Save a New Iteration
Save Design Iteration
Save Design Iteration
Save New Design Iteration
Save Roundabout Template
Select Assembly
Select Assembly
Select Current Design Guideline
Select Design
Sight Lines Category
Sight Lines Category
Specify Contour Line Resolution
Splitter Island Category
Splitter Island Envelope Category
Steering Linkages
Template Details
TORUS Configuration Utility
TORUS File Types
TORUS Generated Roundabout
Trim Splitter Envelope
Truck Apron Category
Truck Apron Category
Turbo Block Category
Turbo Roundabout
Turbo Roundabout Category
Turbo Roundabout Illustration Legend
Turning Report
User-Drawn Roundabout
Vehicle Information
Vehicle Libraries Category
Vehicles and Types
Vehicles Category
View Vehicle Details - Plan/Profile View
Visibilities and Configurations
Visibilities and Configurations
Welcome to TORUS® Help
Yield Line To Crosswalk Sight Line