TORUS 2025 Help
Tools / Design Grading / Edit Cross-slope Region
In This Topic
    Edit Cross-slope Region
    In This Topic

    Edits a cross-slope region in the grading model.

    Edit Cross-slope Region Dialog Box

    Note: The Rebuild Civil 3D Grading Objects button and the surface profile display only when TORUS is run within AutoCAD Civil 3D.

    Cross-slope Region Section

    Button Option Click to...
    Edit Cross-slope Enter the Edit Cross-slope editing mode.
    Add Cross-slope Enter the Add Cross-slope editing mode.
    Dynamically Update Grading Model Enable and disable updating of the grading model in the drawing as changes are made.
    Rebuild Civil3D Grading Objects Update the Civil 3D grading objects to the current grading model changes. Note: This button is only available when TORUS is run within AutoCAD Civil 3D and only if the Civil 3D Grading Objects have been generated (see Civil 3D Grading Objects).
    Apply Slopes Enable or disable the application of the slopes in the drawing.
    Previous Cross-slope Select the previous cross-slope to the left, while in Edit Cross-slope mode.
    Next Cross-slope Select the next cross-slope to the right, while in Edit Cross-slope mode.
    Delete Cross-slope Delete the selected cross-slope.

    Cross-slope Settings Section


    Displays the cross-slope's current station value.


    Specify the selected station's slope value.

    Horizontal Position Section

    The mouse pointer’s horizontal position is tracked along the region relative to the plan view of the roundabout design as the mouse pointer is moved along the region in the profile area and represented in the Horizontal Position section of the dialog box as the blue point.