TORUS 2025 Help
Tools / Design Guidelines / Sight Lines Category
In This Topic
    Sight Lines Category
    In This Topic

    This category allows you to view and edit the sight line parameters.

    Design Guidelines' Sight Lines Category Dialog Box

    In the dialog box, move the mouse pointer over the controls to view the associated tooltip and then reference the controls described below.

    Note: For the purposes of describing the software, it is assumed that Right-Hand Traffic is selected under Traffic Direction in Design Guidelines' General Category. If Left-Hand Traffic is selected, the descriptions with references to a right/left turn path should be interpreted in the opposite direction.

    Speed and Deceleration Section

    Approach Speed

    Specify the approach leg speed value of the design vehicle.

    Perception-Brake Time

    Specify the perception-brake reaction time value. This is the reaction time between the moment the driver sees an obstacle on the road and the moment they start applying the brakes. By default, the Perception-Brake Time value is set to 2.5 s.


    Specify the deceleration rate value. This is the time rate of decrease in velocity with respect to the magnitude or direction. By default, the Deceleration value is set to 11.2 ft/s2.

    Sight Distance Type Section

    Line of Sight / Stopping Sight Distance

    Select how the minimum sight distance should be measured:

    Intersection Sight Distance Section

    Distance to Yield Line

    Specify the distance to yield line value. This is the setback distance from the conceptual yield line (inscribed circle) to the design vehicle when evaluating intersection sight distance.

    Critical Gap

    Specify the critical gap value. This is the duration of time needed for an entering vehicle to safely enter the roundabout without interfering with upstream or circulating stream vehicles. By default, the Critical Gap value is set to 6.5 s.

    Driver's Eye Location Section

    Distance from Front

    Specify the distance from front value. This is the distance from the front of the design vehicle to the driver's eye

    Distance from Driver's Side

    Specify the distance from the driver's side value. This is the distance from the driver's side of the design vehicle to the driver's eye.