In This Topic
Mini Roundabout Vehicle Envelopes Design Method
Edit a vehicle movement in the roundabout.
Edit Movement Dialog Box
The Edit Movement dialog box contains different sections depending on the type of movement. Not all sections apply to all movement types.
Note: Only a fastest path movement's name can be edited.
Displays the name of the movement.
Note: The vehicle can only be changed in a Corner Path movement.
Displays the library and name of the vehicle that is used to generate the movement. Initially, the list contains only the design vehicles specified in the
Design Guidelines' Vehicles Category that was used to create the roundabout. Select a different vehicle from the list or click
Select Vehicle to browse all vehicles via the
Design Vehicles dialog box.
Right Turn Section
These options are only available for movements where the entry path leg and exit path leg are adjacent to each other in the roundabout.
Alternate Right Turn
Select this option to have the vehicle follow an alternate right turn (or a less than or equal to 450 degree turn) movement through the roundabout instead of performing a normal right turn.
Insert Smoothing Arc
Select this option to draw an arc between the entry path and exit path portions of the movement to aid in the generation of movements for larger vehicles.
Select the
Insert Smoothing Arc option and then specify the radius value of the smoothing arc.
Entry Lane Section
Specify the movement's entry lane settings.
Specify the lane number of the entry path portion of the movement in the
Lane list.
Select this option and then specify the radius value of the entry path portion of the movement.
Select this option and then specify the length value of the entry path portion of the movement.
Circulating Lane Section
Specify the movement's circulating lane settings.
No Circulating Lane Change
Select this option if you do not want the movement to change lanes in the circulating lanes. The movement is then restricted to lane changes in the entry and exit portions of the movement.
Spiral Lane Change
This option is only available in multi-lane roundabouts. Select this option if you want the movement to change lanes in the circulating lanes. Selecting this option enables additional controls and dynamic dimensions in the drawing that allow you to specify the lane, radius and angle of the spiral lane change movement.
Lane (No Circulating Lane Change)
Specify the lane number of the circulating portion of the movement in the
Lane list.
Start Lane (Spiral Lane Change)
Specify the lane number of the first circulating portion of the movement in the
Lane list.
End Lane (Spiral Lane Change)
Specify the lane number of the last circulating portion of the movement in the
Lane list.
Radius (Spiral Lane Change)
Select this option and then specify the radius value of the circulating portion of the movement.
Angle (Spiral Lane Change)
Specify the angle at the respective
Start Lane and
End Lane transition point. The
Start Angle (in the drawing) marks the start of the transition from the first circulating lane to the last circulating lane. The
End Angle (in the drawing) marks the start of the transition from the last circulating lane to the exit path portion of the movement. The angles are measured from the center of the roundabout through zero degrees east with values increasing in a counter-clockwise direction to 360 degrees.
Corner Path Settings
Specify the speed at which the vehicle is performing the corner path movement to a maximum of 16 mph (25 km/h). Increasing the Speed value will increase the Radius value accordingly. However, decreasing the Speed value afterwards will not decrease the Radius value because the vehicle will be able to perform the same corner path movement at a slower speed.
Specify the radius of the corner path movement.
Note: The Radius value cannot be set lower than the minimum radius required of the Speed value of the corner path movement performed at the speed specified in the Speed box.
Oversteer Corner Path
Click this button to generate an over-steered corner path movement where the body of the vehicle’s first part and steering tires get parallel at the end of the maneuver. The amount of oversteer applied to the maneuver is controlled by the exit tangent offset (see Exit Offset).
Exit Offset
Controls the amount of oversteer applied to the over-steered corner path movement (see Oversteer Corner Path). The exit offset is measured from the body of the vehicle’s first part perpendicular to the extents of the vehicle body envelope. To modify the exit offset, specify the desired value in the Exit Offset box.
Path Centerline Offsets Section
Allows the entry leg path centerline to be shifted towards the center of the leg.
Note: To have the entry path centerline shifted towards the side of the leg, specify a negative value in the Entry box.
Allows the exit leg path centerline to be shifted towards the center of the leg.
Note: To have the exit path centerline shifted towards the side of the leg, specify a negative value in the Exit box.
Exit Lane Section
Specify the movement's exit lane settings.
Specify the lane number of the exit path portion of the movement in the
Lane list.
Select this option and then specify the radius value of the exit path portion of the movement.
Select this option and then specify the length value of the exit path portion of the movement.