Allows you to see additional information about the selected vehicle such as the vehicle's source publication and assumptions that were made when the vehicle was created. The Vehicle Information text will be translated on the fly if the information is written using the tags found in the List of Tags below. The information must be limited to a maximum of 8 lines and a maximum of 400 characters.
Note: The Vehicle Information can only be edited via the Create New Vehicle, Copy Vehicle, or Edit Vehicle Details dialog boxes.
To edit vehicle information for a custom vehicle, use AutoTURN (see AutoTURN Help: Tools -> Vehicles -> Vehicle Information).
The vehicle information is formatted using the tags in the following list.
Tag | Equivalent |
NI | No information available |
SP | Source Publication |
AS | Assumptions: |
VD | Vehicle Dimensions Prorated |
BO | Based on |
TC | Tractor |
TL | Trailer |
BF | Body Front |
WB | Wheelbase |
WGC | Wheelbase Ground Clearance |
BL | Body Length |
BH | Body Height |
FGC | Front Ground Clearance |
RGC | Rear Ground Clearance |
CR | Rear Axle Group Center to Pivot |
PA | Pivot to Axle |
WD | Width |
TR | Track |
TB | Towbar |
OL | Overall Length |
AX | Axle Spacing |
FCH | Front Chamfer Height |
FCL | Front Chamfer Length |
FFR | Filleted Front Radius |
FRR | Filleted Rear Radius |
RCH | Rear Chamfer Height |
RCL | Rear Chamfer Length |
CHF | Connector Height Front |
CHR | Connector Height Rear |
MPA | Maximum Pitch Angle |
MRA | Maximum Roll Angle |
LL | Lock to Lock Time |
SA | Steering Lock Angle |
WR | Steering Wheel Rate |
TD | Telescoping Distance |
AA | Articulating Angle |
FT | Front Track |
RT |
Rear Track |
LIB | Library Name |
MT | Minimum Centerline Turning Radius |
TS | Tire Sizes |
SC | Tire Spacing |
TW | Tire Width |
The following example shows how the vehicle information was formatted for the CROW 2004 (NL) VA vehicle:
The syntax and formatting of tags used to create the vehicle information for the CROW 2004 (NL) VA vehicle:
=SP= ASVV 2004; CROW 2004
=SA= =BO= ROA (NL) TO98.
=TC= =BL= =BO= ROA (NL) TO98.