TORUS 2025 Help
Tools / Generate Roundabout / Visibilities and Configurations
In This Topic
    Visibilities and Configurations
    In This Topic

    Set which aspects of the roundabout are drawn in the roundabout and allows certain aspects to be configured.

    Visibilities and Configurations Dialog Box


    Assembly Plan Lines Displays assemblies as lines.
    Assembly Plan Hatches

    Displays assemblies as hatches.

    Assembly 3D Wireframe Displays assemblies as 3D wireframes.
    Assembly 3D Solids Displays assemblies as 3D solids.
    Road Face Fills the footprint of the roundabout.
    Curve Vertices Displays the refined edges of the roundabout.
    Curve Symbols Displays the refined edge curve symbols of the roundabout.


    Outer Truck Apron Draws the truck aprons located between the approach and departure legs at the inscribed circle diameter (see Roundabout Illustration Legend). Use Evaluate Movements to specify which movements are involved.
    Extended Central Island

    Extends the central island inside the inscribed circle/circulatory roadway.

    Custom Truck Apron Draws the central island truck apron as determined by the movements specified in Evaluate Movements.
    Truck Apron Draws the fixed width central island truck apron. By default, the central island truck apron is turned on.
    Footprint with Offset Draws the footprint with the offset specified in Design Guidelines' Footprint Category. Click Configure to override the default value. By default, the footprint is turned off.

    Click Configure to override the default sidewalk width and offset values.

    Note: This feature requires at least one leg.

    Dynamic Fastest Path Draws the fastest paths for the roundabout.
    Fastest Path Table Displays the Fastest Path dialog box.
    Dynamic Path Overlap Draws the vehicle entry and exit paths to determine if paths overlap in a multilane roundabout.
    Path Overlap Table Displays the Path Overlap Analysis dialog box.
    Draw Markings Displays the lane-use arrows, yield lines, and roundabout circulatory dashed lines. By default, the pavement markings are turned on.