TORUS 2025 Help
Tools / Generate Roundabout / Add Leg / Edit Leg / Edit Legs - Adaptive Roundabout
In This Topic
    Edit Legs - Adaptive Roundabout
    In This Topic

    Adaptive Roundabout Type

    Edit approach leg's parameters.

    Edit Leg - Adaptive Roundabout Dialog Box


    Specify a name for the approach leg.

    Properties Section

    Button Option Click to...
    Draw Entry Lanes Turn the approach leg's entry lanes on/off. By default, the approach leg's entry lanes are turned on. Specify the number of entry lanes for the approach leg.
    Draw Exit Lanes Turn the approach leg's exit lanes on/off. By default, the approach leg's exit lanes are turned on. Specify the number of exit lanes for the approach leg.

    Circulating Lanes

    Specify the number of circulating lanes at the approach leg.

    Note: Changes to the number of lanes does not affect lane widths in the drawing. The adaptive roundabout needs to be edited using Redraw Edge and/or Edit Edge to draw the legs the appropriate widths.