TORUS 2025 Help
Tools / Manage Assemblies / New Assembly / Edit Assembly
In This Topic
    Edit Assembly
    In This Topic

    Allows you to edit a user created assembly.

    Edit Assembly Dialog Box

    Assembly Section

    Displays the name of the selected assembly.

    Manage Components Section

    Select a component in the preview to display its details below.

    Change editable values as desired.

    Custom Curb

    Click this button to create a custom curb. See below.


    Click this button to add a component after the selected component in the preview area. See Add Component.


    Click this button to edit the selected component. See Edit Component.


    Click this button to remove the selected component from the assembly.

    Assembly Anchor Point Location Section

    Select the anchor point location on the assembly. This is where the assembly will be swept along the associated roundabout geometry.

    Creating a Custom Curb:

    The curb outline must first be drawn in the CAD environment:

    Follow these steps to create a custom curb component from the drawn outline:

    1. In the Edit Assembly dialog, click Custom Curb.
    2. In the New Curb dialog box, click Pick Cross Section.
    3. In the drawing, pick a closed polyline/complex chain.
    4. Specify a unique name for the component and then click OK to create the curb.
    5. The component has been created and can be added to the assembly in the Edit Assembly dialog box.