Control which aspects of the approach leg are drawn in the roundabout and allows certain aspects to be configured.
Preview Entry/Exit Path Radii | Displays the approach leg's entry and exit path radii in the drawing based on the settings in Properties' Annotations Category. |
Pedestrian Refuge |
Draws the pedestrian refuge in the splitter island envelope. Note: The Crosswalk check box must be selected first. |
Leg Biarc Entry | Adds a second arc in the entry path before the circulating path for a biarc entry. Click Configure to override the values specified in Design Guidelines' Leg Biarc Entry Category. |
High Speed Entry | Converts the leg into a High Speed Entry leg. Click Configure to override the values specified in Design Guidelines' High Speed Entry Category. |
Intermediate Path | Adds an arc between the entry and exit paths. Click Configure to specify the Intermediate Path Radius value. |
Teardrop Leg | Converts the leg into a teardrop leg, drawing and connecting the central island's truck apron to the leg's splitter island envelopes. |
Trim Splitter Envelope | Shortens the length of the splitter island envelope by minimum width or overall length. Click Configure to specify how to shorten the splitter island envelope. |
Extend Splitter Island Envelope | Extends the splitter island envelope towards the central island, cutting off the outermost circulatory lane in multi-lane roundabouts. |
Flare Lanes | Widens the entry and exit lane widths at the inscribed circle diameter to allow the entry and exit lanes to connect to either circulating lane in a multi-lane roundabout. |
Splitter Island Envelope | Draws the splitter island envelope. Click Configure to override the offset values specified in Design Guidelines' Splitter Island Envelope Category. The splitter island envelope is on by default. Note: If the splitter island envelope is off, the Pedestrian Refuge will not draw. |
Splitter Island | Draws the splitter island. Click Configure to override the values specified in Design Guidelines' Splitter Island Category. The splitter island is drawn by default. |
Crosswalk | Draws the crosswalk in the entry and exit lanes. Click Configure to override the values specified in Design Guidelines' Crosswalk Category. The crosswalk is drawn by default. |
Entry Taper | Draws the entry lanes portion of the leg with a taper. Click Configure to specify the taper ratio and direction. Note: Available for Effective Lane Widths setting only, see Add Leg / Edit Leg's Lane Widths Section. |
Exit Taper | Draws the exit lanes portion of the leg with a taper. Click Configure to specify the taper ratio and direction. Note: Available for Effective Lane Widths setting only, see Add Leg / Edit Leg's Lane Widths Section. |
Median Width | Extends the splitter island envelope to draw a median in the leg. Click Configure to override the values specified in Design Guidelines' Fixed Lane Widths Category and Road Widening Category. Note: Available for Fixed Lane Widths setting only, see Add Leg / Edit Leg's Lane Widths Section. |