TORUS 2025 Help
Tools / Generate Roundabout / Add Leg / Edit Leg / Visibilities and Configurations
In This Topic
    Visibilities and Configurations
    In This Topic

    Control which aspects of the approach leg are drawn in the roundabout and allows certain aspects to be configured.

    Visibilities and Configurations Dialog Box


    Preview Entry/Exit Path Radii Displays the approach leg's entry and exit path radii in the drawing based on the settings in Properties' Annotations Category.
    Pedestrian Refuge

    Draws the pedestrian refuge in the splitter island envelope. Note: The Crosswalk check box must be selected first.


    Leg Biarc Entry Adds a second arc in the entry path before the circulating path for a biarc entry. Click Configure to override the values specified in Design Guidelines' Leg Biarc Entry Category.
    High Speed Entry Converts the leg into a High Speed Entry leg. Click Configure to override the values specified in Design Guidelines' High Speed Entry Category.
    Intermediate Path Adds an arc between the entry and exit paths. Click Configure to specify the Intermediate Path Radius value.
    Teardrop Leg Converts the leg into a teardrop leg, drawing and connecting the central island's truck apron to the leg's splitter island envelopes.
    Trim Splitter Envelope Shortens the length of the splitter island envelope by minimum width or overall length. Click Configure to specify how to shorten the splitter island envelope.
    Extend Splitter Island Envelope Extends the splitter island envelope towards the central island, cutting off the outermost circulatory lane in multi-lane roundabouts.
    Flare Lanes Widens the entry and exit lane widths at the inscribed circle diameter to allow the entry and exit lanes to connect to either circulating lane in a multi-lane roundabout.
    Splitter Island Envelope Draws the splitter island envelope. Click Configure to override the offset values specified in Design Guidelines' Splitter Island Envelope Category. The splitter island envelope is on by default. Note: If the splitter island envelope is off, the Pedestrian Refuge will not draw.
    Splitter Island Draws the splitter island. Click Configure to override the values specified in Design Guidelines' Splitter Island Category. The splitter island is drawn by default.
    Crosswalk Draws the crosswalk in the entry and exit lanes. Click Configure to override the values specified in Design Guidelines' Crosswalk Category. The crosswalk is drawn by default.
    Entry Taper Draws the entry lanes portion of the leg with a taper. Click Configure to specify the taper ratio and direction. Note: Available for Effective Lane Widths setting only, see Add Leg / Edit Leg's Lane Widths Section.
    Exit Taper Draws the exit lanes portion of the leg with a taper. Click Configure to specify the taper ratio and direction. Note: Available for Effective Lane Widths setting only, see Add Leg / Edit Leg's Lane Widths Section.
    Median Width Extends the splitter island envelope to draw a median in the leg. Click Configure to override the values specified in Design Guidelines' Fixed Lane Widths Category and Road Widening Category. Note: Available for Fixed Lane Widths setting only, see Add Leg / Edit Leg's Lane Widths Section.