TORUS 2025 Help
Tools / Design Manager / Save Design Iteration
In This Topic
    Save Design Iteration
    In This Topic

    Allows a roundabout that was previously saved as a design iteration to be saved as a new iteration, or an existing iteration of the roundabout to be updated.

    Save Design Iteration Dialog Box

    Design Name

    Displays the name of the current roundabout design.

    Iteration Name

    Type a new name in the Iteration Name box.

    Modified Date

    Displays the date and time that the design was last modified.


    Type the desired text in the Comment dialog box.

    Save the design as a new Iteration / Update the existing Iteration

    Select Save the design as a new Iteration to create a new iteration using the design drawing.

    Select Update the existing Iteration to replace the existing iteration with the updated design drawing.