Allows you to view the selected vehicle's details as well as access the vehicle's corners, steering linkages, axle group details, cargo details, roofline, height, connector heights, ground clearances, vehicle information, loads, sight lines, and tracking points.
Displays the current vehicle's dimensions in the selected units.
Displays the vehicle profile selected under General Data, in the Vehicle Profile list.
Displays the plan view of the current vehicle/part when Plan/Profile View Data is selected in the Displayed Data section.
In the case of multi-part vehicles, the entire vehicle or each vehicle part can be displayed by clicking /
(Zoom In / Zoom Out) respectively. Each vehicle part can be navigated to by clicking
(Next Part / Previous Part).
Select this check box to display the parametrically drawn rectangular vehicle body. This check box is available only when the vehicle part has a realistic vehicle drawing
Click this button to verify steering/articulating components. Demonstrates the articulation of the vehicle or part. The steering wheels and parts of the vehicle articulate in relation to each other to show how the vehicle geometry relates to each other.
Click this button to view the front and rear axle group details for each part in the vehicle.
Click this button to view the selected vehicle's information.