Adds the selected design vehicle to the current user created design guideline.
Type the desired search value in the box and then press ENTER. Remove the text in the box and then press ENTER to clear the search.
Select the desired countries in the list. Only the vehicles of the selected countries display in the vehicle list.
Click this button to remove all filters and reset the Country list to All.
Select the desired filters in this list. Vehicles will display in the list that match the selected filters.
This list displays the available vehicles based on the search, Country, and filter selections.
The selected vehicle is displayed in the preview area above the vehicle list. All standard vehicles display a dimensioned profile in the preview area. Custom vehicles display a dimensioned profile if a profile drawing has been created for it. A realistic vehicle drawing displays if the custom vehicle does not have a profile drawing but does have a realistic vehicle drawing (plan view) associated with it. The extents of the vehicle are represented as a rectangle if the custom vehicle does not have profile or realistic drawings associated with it.
This icon indicates that the current vehicle can be used with all of AutoTURN's 2D tools and is a 3D capable vehicle which works with the following AutoTURN Pro tools:
Generate 3D Arc Path
Place 3D Simulation
Convert 2D to 3D
Place Vertical Simulation
Generate Grade Template
Click this button to view the selected vehicle's information.
Click this button to view the selected vehicle's details.
Click this button to choose which columns and in what order they display in the vehicle list.
Click this button to import a selected custom vehicle (.veh) and its associated load (.ld), sight lines (.sln), tracking points (.tp), as well as the realistic plan and custom profile drawings (.dwg), if applicable. These files must have previously been exported from AutoTURN Pro.
Note: This button is only available in a user created design guideline and, if Permissions are enabled, only if the user has Standard or higher access level (see Program Settings -> Permissions: Access Levels).
Click this button to delete the currently selected custom vehicle that was previously imported.
Note: This button is only available in a user created design guideline and, if permissions are enabled, only when the user has an equivalent or higher access level than that of the custom vehicle. The access level of a custom vehicle is displayed in the top right corner of the preview area. For information on setting an access level, see Program Settings -> Permissions: Access Levels.
To create a new vehicle from a standard or custom type, use AutoTURN (see AutoTURN Help: Tools -> Vehicles -> Create New Vehicle).