TORUS 2025 Help
Tools / Evaluate Movements / Evaluate Movements
In This Topic
    Evaluate Movements
    In This Topic

    Adaptive Roundabout Type

    Generate various types of movements in the drawing and allows the existing movements to be edited and removed. The main purpose of this tool is to demonstrate the movements of the selected adaptive roundabout that was generated with the Roundabout Wizard tool.


    For examples of how the Evaluate Movements tool works, please play the Evaluate Movements tutorial (for information on how to play a tutorial, see Tutorials -> Play).

    Evaluate Movements Dialog Box

    Error Notification

    Indicates an error in generating the movement. If a movement cannot be generated, its name will be preceded by the graphic in the list. To find out what caused the error, move your mouse over the corresponding graphic and read the tooltip that will display.


    Turns a movement on/off. By default, a movement added to the roundabout is drawn in the drawing.


    Indicates the type of path that TORUS used for generating the movement.

    Symbol Movement Type
    D Movement based on the design vehicle path
    F Movement based on the fastest path

    Movement Name

    Displays the name of the movement.

    Entry Leg

    Displays the entry approach leg for the movement.

    Exit Leg

    Displays the exit approach leg for the movement

    Design Vehicle

    Displays the design vehicle used for the movement.


    Displays the maximum constant speed of the movement.

    Evaluate Movement Tools

    Button Option Click to...
    Add Movement Add a movement to the roundabout.
    Edit Movement Edit the selected movement.
    Delete Movement Delete the selected movement.

    In the following drawing, a successful right-turn movement is shown.

    A right-turn movement performed in an Adaptive Roundabout