TORUS 2025 Help
Tools / Generate Roundabout / Add Leg / Edit Leg / Configure Median
In This Topic
    Configure Median
    In This Topic

    Configure the median and road widening on the leg.

    Note: The Median options are only available for Fixed Lane Widths approach legs.

    Configure Median Dialog Box

    Median Section

    Specify the median width.


    Specify the width of the median island envelope.

    Continuous Median

    Select this option to specify a continuous median island envelope for the full length of the leg.

    Introduced Island

    Select this option to specify an introduced island envelope. The Approach Taper and Departure Taper settings determine how the end of the introduced island envelope is drawn (see Road Widening Section below).

    Width at Tie-in

    Select this option to specify a continuous median island envelope whose width at the splitter and tie-in point can be specified.

    Road Widening Section

    Note: The Road Widening Section is only available:

    1. for Fixed Lane Widths approach legs and
    2. when, under Median, the Introduced Island option is selected, or the Width at Tie-in option is selected and the Width at Tie-in value is less than the Width value.


    Specify the approach taper ratio value and the approach taper starting distance value. The approach taper moves traffic laterally to the right (as traffic approaches the roundabout) based on the approach taper ratio value. The purpose is to provide space for a left-turn lane.


    Specify the departure taper ratio value and the departure taper starting distance value. The departure taper directs traffic to the left (as traffic departs the roundabout) based on the departure taper ratio value. Normally, the departure taper begins opposite the beginning of the full width turn lane and continues to a point opposite the beginning of the approach taper.