Configure High Speed Entry
In This Topic
Override the entry path start and radii 1 & 2 specified in the current Design Guidelines' High Speed Entry Category.
Note: If an approach leg was created using single element geometry (i.e. a line, an arc, or a single element polyline), TORUS will automatically extend the leg to support the high speed. For approach legs created using a multi-element polyline, you should manually extend the polyline for the high-speed entry to be generated.
Configure High Speed Entry Dialog Box
In the dialog box, move the mouse pointer over the controls to view the associated tooltip and then reference the controls described below.
High Speed Entry Path Start
Specify the entry path start value. This is measured from the inscribed circle diameter to the start of entry path radius 1 in the high speed entry.
High Speed Entry Path Radius 1
Specify the high speed entry path radius 1 value. This is the first radius of the path which the design vehicle travels from the entry approach leg to the circulating path.
High Speed Entry Path Radius 2
Specify the high speed entry path radius 2 value. This is the second radius of the path which the design vehicle travels from the entry approach leg to the circulating path.
Note: To modify the inside entry offset for a high speed entry, click the
Configure Splitter Island Envelope button in the Add Leg or Edit Leg dialog box, and then type the desired value in the Entry Lane to Splitter Island Envelope Offset box.