TORUS 2025 Help
Tools / Design Grading / Grading Model Configuration
In This Topic
    Grading Model Configuration
    In This Topic

    Configures the grading model initially.

    Note: This tool requires that the roundabout was created with at least one approach leg.

    Designing the grading for an intersection is initially completed in two steps:

    1. Configuring the grading model
    2. Editing the grading model's alignments and regions


    Configuring the grading model is only available the first time a grading model is created for a roundabout. After that, selecting the grading model with the Design Grading tool will always invoke the editing modes.

    Grading Model Configuration Dialog Box

    Tools Section

    Button Option Click to...
    Adjust Grading Leg Length Lengthen or shorten the length of the grading model along a leg in the roundabout. After clicking this button, click in a leg in the grading model.
    Replace Crown Alignment Replace a selected crown alignment with a user-drawn element.

    Initial Grading Settings Section

    Cross-slope Region Length

    Displays the cross-slope region length value. This is the maximum length of the cross-slope regions on each leg of the roundabout's grading mode. The cross-slope region length is measured from the extents of the corner geometry to the end of the cross-slope region.

    Crown Alignments Elevation

    Displays the crown alignments elevation value. This is the starting elevation value for all crown alignments in the grading model.

    Cut Slope

    Specify the slope of the cut portions of the grading.

    Fill Slope

    Specify the slope of the fill portions of the grading.

    Set Initial Elevations to Surface

    Select this option to generate the grading model at the corresponding elevations of the target surface.

    Note: The Crown Alignments Elevation value cannot be specified manually if this option is selected.

    Surface Selection Section

    Target Surface

    Select a surface in the list or click  Select Point File to create a surface from a point file.

    Select Point File

    Creates a surface from an existing .XYZ format source file (e.g. point file containing points).
