TORUS 2025 Help
Tools / Generate Roundabout / Save a New Iteration
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    Save a New Iteration
    In This Topic

    Saves a roundabout as a new design and iteration for use in Design Manager.

    New Design Dialog Box

    The New Design dialog box is displayed first if the roundabout has not been saved as a design.

    Specify a name for the new roundabout design, click OK, and then pick a point in the drawing to place the design symbol.

    The Save New Design Iteration dialog box will then display to save the current roundabout drawing as a design iteration.

    Save New Design Iteration Dialog Box

    Specify a name for the new iteration, add a comment to describe the iteration, and then click OK to return to the Generate Roundabout / Edit Roundabout dialog box.

    Design Name

    Displays the name of the current roundabout design.

    Iteration Name

    Specify a name for the new design iteration.


    Type a comment to describe the new design iteration.