Lane Transitions Category
In This Topic
This category allows you to view and edit the entry and exit lane separator lengths as well as the entry and exit transition lengths.
Design Guidelines' Lane Transitions Category Dialog Box
In the dialog box, move the mouse pointer over the controls to view the associated tooltip and then reference the controls described below.
Note: For the purposes of describing the software, it is assumed that
Right-Hand Traffic is selected under
Traffic Direction in
Design Guidelines' General Category. If
Left-Hand Traffic is selected, the descriptions with references to a right/left turn path should be interpreted in the opposite direction.
Exit Separator Length
Specify the exit separator length value. This is the distance from a line drawn perpendicular to the leg angle line at the intersection of the leg angle and outer construction lines to the end of the separator. The leg angle line is a line projected from the center of the roundabout to where the leg reference line intersects the outer construction line (note that the leg angle line is used in the creation of the roundabout geometry but is never drawn).
Exit Transition Length
Specify the exit transition length value.
Entry Separator Length
Specify the entry separator length value. This is the distance from a line drawn perpendicular to the leg angle line at the intersection of the leg angle and outer construction lines to the end of the separator. The leg angle line is a line projected from the center of the roundabout to where the leg reference line intersects the outer construction line (note that the leg angle line is used in the creation of the roundabout geometry but is never drawn).
Entry Transition Length
Specify the entry transition length value.
For a description of the elements drawn in the turbo roundabout in this category, see
Turbo Roundabout Illustration Legend.