TORUS 2025 Help
Overview / Adaptive Roundabout
In This Topic
    Adaptive Roundabout
    In This Topic

    The adaptive roundabout is a type of roundabout in TORUS that allows the user to mold and shape the edges of the adaptive roundabout to match an existing user drawn CAD roundabout or overlay on an attached roundabout image. By means of redrawing entire edges or the fine tune editing of edges, many roundabout configurations can be recreated in TORUS so that they may be analyzed with the Evaluate Fastest Path and Evaluate Movements tools.

    Adaptive roundabouts are initially placed via the Roundabout Wizard tool and then edited with Edit Roundabout. Note that the initial roundabout placed in the drawing is a mere representation of a roundabout - it is only meant as a starting point. Every effort should be made to ensure that the edges of the adaptive roundabout be drawn to match as closely as possible actual roundabout designs in order for the analysis to be relevant to the actual roundabout. The adaptive roundabout relies largely on the replication of actual designed elements for the evaluate tools to work effectively. It cannot be overstated that the adaptive roundabout should be drawn as accurately as possible with no overlapping edges and that edges intersect appropriately.


    Although there is usually a fair amount of editing required to match an adaptive roundabout to any existing roundabout design or roundabout image. Some users may find it useful to have their own starting points by creating unique adaptive roundabout templates. This can be achieved by creating a suitable roundabout and then clicking Save Roundabout Template in the Generate Roundabout or Edit Roundabout tools (see Save Roundabout Template) and then copying the resulting template file (.wiz) into the Adaptive folder of the "Users\Public\Transoft Solutions\TORUS 6\Templates User" folder (create the Adaptive folder if it does not exist yet).

    In order to match the existing roundabout it is suggested that the adaptive roundabout be edited using an outside-in approach:

    1. Start by moving and scaling the inscribed circle to match the inscribed circle of the roundabout you want to evaluate (see Edit Roundabout).
    2. Rotate the legs to begin to align the legs with the underlying roundabout (see Rotate Legs in Adaptive Roundabout).
    3. Resize the central island and truck apron using Edit Edge and the Size node (see Edit Edges in Adaptive Roundabout).
    4. Redraw the outside and inside leg edges using Redraw Edge (see Redraw Edges in Adaptive Roundabout).
    5. Edit the outside and inside edges if fine tuning is required using Edit Edge (see Edit Edges in Adaptive Roundabout).
    6. Update the lane configuration using Edit Legs to match the number of circulating and leg lanes (see Edit Legs in Adaptive Roundabout).
    7. Analyze the adaptive roundabout with Evaluate Fastest Path and/or Evaluate Movements.
    8. Redraw or edit edges if fastest paths or movements cannot be generated.

    Note: You may want to hide the fastest paths while editing because they are updated automatically when not hidden and can be slow to re-calculate (see Evaluate Fastest Path).