TORUS 2025 Help
Tools / Generate Roundabout / Add Leg / Edit Leg / Add Leg / Edit Leg
In This Topic
    Add Leg / Edit Leg
    In This Topic

    Regional Design Method

    Add approach legs to the roundabout, and edit approach legs' parameters.

    Note: This tool requires existing CAD geometry in the drawing to act as the leg reference geometry. The geometry may consist of lines, arcs, or polylines/complex chains. Lines and arcs can be combined within the polylines/complex chains.

    Add Leg / Edit Leg Dialog Box

    In the dialog box, move the mouse pointer over the controls to view the associated tooltip and then reference the controls described below.


    Note: For the purposes of describing the software, it is assumed that Right-Hand Traffic is selected under Traffic Direction in Design Guidelines' General Category. If Left-Hand Traffic is selected, the descriptions with references to a right/left turn path should be interpreted in the opposite direction.


    Specify a name for the approach leg.

    Properties Section

    Button Option Click to...
    Draw Entry Lanes

    Turn the approach leg's entry lane on/off. By default, the approach leg's entry lane is turned on. The entry path radius value is displayed in the box on the right.

    Specify the number of lanes for the approach leg entry.

    Configure Entry Lane

    Override the entry path radius and offsets specified in the current Design Guidelines' Legs Category.

    Note: This button is only available if an entry lane is turned on.

    Draw Exit Lanes Turn the approach leg's exit lane on/off. By default, the approach leg's exit lane is turned on. The exit path radius value is displayed in the box on the right.

    Specify the number of lanes for the approach leg exit.
    Configure Exit Lane

    Override the exit path radius and offsets specified in the current Design Guidelines' Legs Category.

    Note: This button is only available if an exit lane is turned on.

    Preview Entry/Exit Path Radii Turn the approach leg's entry/exit path radii preview on/off. By default, the approach leg's entry/exit path radii preview is on.

    Leg Length

    Specify the length of the selected approach leg.

    Splitters & Crosswalks Section

    Button Option Click to...
    Draw Splitter Island Envelope Turn the splitter island envelope on/off. By default, the splitter island envelope is on.
    Draw Splitter Island Turn the splitter island on/off. By default the splitter island is on.
    Draw Pedestrian Refuge Turn the pedestrian refuge on/off. By default, the pedestrian refuge is on.

    Note: This button is only available if Draw Splitter Island is on.

    Draw Crosswalks Turn the crosswalks on/off. By default, the crosswalks are on.
    Configure Splitter Island

    Override the splitter island offsets specified in the current Design Guidelines' Splitter Island Category.

    Crosswalk Offset

    Specify the pedestrian refuge/crosswalk offset value. This is the distance that the refuge is located from the inscribed circle diameter.

    Maximum Splitter Island Length

    Specify the length of the splitter island.

    Calculated Output Section

    Expand this section to view the widths of the entry, entry and exit lanes, the median, and the refuge as well as the entry angle measured using Method 1 and Method 2 (see Appendix -> Entry Angle Measurement).