In This Topic
TORUS Help provides in-depth information on the program features as well as step-by-step instructions for specific tasks. In the Help window, you can use the left panel to locate Help topics. The central panel displays the topic you select. You can use the In This Topic panel to go to the desired topic section by clicking its heading.
Context-Sensitive Help
To get help for the current dialog box, click the Help button in the lower-right corner of the dialog box.
Finding Information in Help
To locate a specific word or phrase in the current topic, simply press CTRL+F.
Contents Panel
- Presents an overview of the available documentation in a list of topics and subtopics.
- Makes it possible to browse by selecting and expanding topics.
- Provides a structure so you can always see where you are in the Help and quickly go to other topics.
Search Bar
- Provides full-text search of all the topics listed in the Contents panel.
- Allows you to perform an exhaustive search for a specific word or phrase.
- Displays a ranked list of topics that contain the word or words entered in the Search bar.
A basic search using the Search bar consists of the word or phrase you want to find. The basic search rules are as follows:
- Type your search in uppercase or lowercase characters; searches are not case-sensitive.
- Search for any combination of letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9).
- Do not use punctuation marks such as the period, colon, semicolon, comma, hyphen, and single quotation marks; they are ignored during a search.
- To broaden or narrow a search and to exclude unwanted search results, you can combine words using OR and AND.
Note: When you use the Search bar, all topics that contain the word or phrase that you specify are listed. This includes the text in topic titles and labels, not just the topic text.
- Displays an alphabetical list of keywords related to the topics listed in the Contents panel.
- Accesses information quickly when you already know the name of a feature, command, or operation, or when you know what action you want to perform.
The TORUS Help Glossary is located under Appendix in the Contents panel, and it provides definitions for common TORUS terms.