TORUS 2025 Help
Tools / Design Guidelines / Refined Edges Category
In This Topic
    Refined Edges Category
    In This Topic

    This category allows you to view and edit the refined edges encroachment and approximation tolerance; select to convert arcs to lines when radius is greater than a certain value; select to replace kinks with arcs of a certain radius; select to round off arc radii to a nearest value.

    Design Guidelines' Refined Edges Category Dialog Box

    Note: For the purposes of describing the software, it is assumed that Right-Hand Traffic is selected under Traffic Direction in Design Guidelines' General Category. If Left-Hand Traffic is selected, the descriptions with references to a right/left turn path should be interpreted in the opposite direction.

    Refined Edges Defaults Section

    Convert arcs to lines when radius greater than

    Selecting this option will convert arcs to lines when their radius is greater than the specified value.

    Replace kinks with arcs of radius

    Selecting this option will replace kinks with arcs of a specified value

    Round arc radii to nearest

    Selecting this option will round arc radii to the nearest specified value.