TORUS 2025 Help
Tools / Design Manager / Create New Design
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    Create New Design
    In This Topic

    Allows a roundabout design to be saved. A roundabout design consists of a design symbol typically named to describe a particular roundabout design and all of the contained design iterations that represent different proposals for the roundabout design.

    New Design Dialog Box


    Specify a name for the roundabout design.

    To Create a New Design:

    1. In Design Manager, click Create New Design.

    2. In the Name edit box, type a name for the roundabout design.

    3. Click OK, and then pick a point in the drawing to place the design symbol.

    4. Proceed to Save New Design Iteration.

    Note: A design symbol contains data associated with the corresponding roundabout design. Deleting/Modifying a design symbol results in a loss of information of the previously saved design iterations that are not currently drawn. To prevent a design symbol from being inadvertently deleted/modified, it is drawn on a layer/level which is locked by default (see Properties' Design Symbols Category).