ParkCAD 5.0 Help
To Reassign the Lots/Row/User Drawn Islands in a Design
Tools > Design Manager > To Reassign the Lots/Row/User Drawn Islands in a Design

Allows the lots, rows, and user drawn end islands assigned to the selected parking design to be changed. Whenever a parking design is selected, the lots, rows, and user drawn end islands associated with the design will be highlighted in the drawing.

This procedure assumes that at least one parking design was created (see To Create a New Design), and that the Design Manager dialog box is open (see Design Manager).

To Change the Lots and/or Rows Assigned to a Parking Design

  1. Under Available Designs, click the parking design you want to edit (if only one design was previously saved, it will be selected automatically).

  2. Click Reassign Lots/Rows/User Drawn Islands. The Select Objects dialog box displays:

Select Objects

  1. In the Select Objects dialog box, use the Selection Type options to add and remove lots, rows, and/or user drawn end islands as desired.

  2. Click Apply.

  3. Click Yes to save the editing changes as a new iteration or click No to return to the Design Manager dialog box without saving.

  4. If you clicked Yes, a dialog box similar to the following example displays:

Save New Design Iteration

  1. In the Iteration Name edit box, type a unique name for the design iteration, and then add any comments in the Comment edit box.

  2. Click OK to save the design iteration and return to the Design Manager dialog box.

Note: Lots, rows, and user drawn end islands can be assigned to multiple parking designs.

See also: Edit Tools -> Selection Types, Using ParkCAD -> User Drawn End Islands