GuideSIGN Plus 2024 Help
Tools / Place Route Shield / Place Route Shield
In This Topic
    Place Route Shield
    In This Topic

    This feature is not available in GuideSIGN SIGMA.

    Allows you to place a route shield in a sign panel.

    Note: To create a custom route shield using CAD functionality see Creating Custom Route Shields in CAD.

    Select Route Shield Dialog Box

    Panel Information Section

    Displays the panel style, drawing units, and M.U.T.C.D. Edition of the currently selected panel.

    Note: The M.U.T.C.D. Edition determines the choice of manufacturer supplied route shield templates under Browse for Route Shield (e.g. if the current M.U.T.C.D. Edition is the 1988 one, the M.U.T.C.D. 2003 Edition route shield templates supplied with GuideSIGN Plus will not display under Browse for Route Shield). For information on how to specify the M.U.T.C.D. Edition, see Program Settings' General - Design Category.

    Browse for Route Shield

    Allows you to select a route shield library and a route shield.

    Note: User created route shields display with the custom graphic in the browse tree.

    Number of objects to display

    Allows you to specify the number of route shields displayed in the preview area below.

    Preview Area

    Displays the preview of the route shields contained in the route shield library that is currently open under Browse for Route Shield.

    Button Option Click to...
    Previous / Next Preview the next / previous group of route shields.
    Zoom In / Zoom Out Zoom the selected route shield to the full viewing area.
    Information Get information on the selected route shield.

    Creating Custom Route Shields in CAD

    Before creating custom route shields, see Preparing for Display Modes.

    You are recommended to store custom route shield libraries in the Shields folder located in the Contents User folder (see Customizing GuideSIGN Plus -> Saving User Created Content).

    Note: For the purpose of consistency, a route shield library should contain route shields created using the same units and M.U.T.C.D. Edition of the panel style.

    To Create a Custom Route Shield:

    1. Draw a route shield.
    2. Temporarily change the Legend color in the current panel style to the desired route number color (see Panel Styles' Panel Category).
    3. Create a temporary panel (see Place New Panel).
    4. Using the Place Highway Text tool, place a default route number with the desired height, font (letter series), and center justification (see Default Route Numbers and Letter Designations below).
    5. Move the text to the correct location inside the new route shield using CAD move functions.
    6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each route number and county name (see Default County Names below).
    7. Delete the temporary sign panel.
    8. Reset the Legend color in the panel style to the original color.
    9. Add the new route shield to the desired library (see Adding Objects to Custom Libraries).

    Default Route Numbers and Letter Designations

    In the Highway Text - Advanced dialog box, specify different fonts (letter series) and heights for the route numbers and letter designation components in the same text string. Default route numbers must be '10', '100', '1000', '20', '200', or '2000' to indicate the number of digits (e.g. use '100' if a shield may have 2 or 3 digit route numbers). The letter designations can be any single letter as the second component of the route number text string. For multi-route number shields, Route 1 is the top or left route number while Route 2 is the lower or right route number. The same convention is used for Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 (letter designations).

    When the shield is placed, the default route number and letter designation will be replaced with the route number specified in the Shield Parameters dialog box.

    Default County Names

    Default county names must use 'NAME' to indicate the replaceable text. When the route shield is placed, the default county name will be replaced with the county name specified in the Shield Parameters dialog box.