GuideSIGN Plus 2024 Help
Customizing GuideSIGN Plus / Saving User Created Content
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    Saving User Created Content
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    Contents User Folder

    You are recommended to store user created content in appropriate folders. By default, the software assumes that most user created content is stored in the Contents User folder. This protects manufacturer content from being modified or deleted and also ensures that future software updates will not overwrite user created content.

    The default path of the Contents User folder is %appdata%\Transoft Solutions\GuideSIGN 2024.8.2\Contents User.


    User created content for GuideSIGN should be saved to the following folders created by the software in the Contents User\Design folder as shown in the tables below.

    Object Type Folder(s)
    Arrows Common/Arrows


    Sheets Common/Sheets

    Each country version uses the following user created content folder structure under a date folder representing the year of that content's standard (i.e., the USA\2009 folder represents the 2009 edition of the U.S. M.U.T.C.D.).

    Object Type Folder(s)
    Route Shields Shields


    Standard Signs Signs
    Exit Panels Expanels inches
    Styles Styles
    Templates Templates

    U.S. Version User Created Content

    For the U.S. version, the software includes specific content for M.U.T.C.D. 1988, 2003, and 2009 Editions, therefore user created content should be saved to the respective Contents User\Design\USA\ 1988, 2003, and 2009 folders.

    Canadian Version User Created Content

    For the Canadian version, the software includes specific content for M.U.T.C.D. 1998 and 2002 Editions, therefore user created content should be saved to the respective Contents User\Design\CAN\ 1998 and 2002 folders.

    Australian Version

    For the Australian version, the software includes specific content for AS 1744 1975 and 2015 Editions, therefore user created content should be saved to the respective Contents User\Design\AUS\ 1975 and 2015 folders.



    User created content for GuideSIGN SIGMA should be saved to the following folders created by the software in the Contents User\Plan folder as shown in the following table:

    Object Type Folder(s)
    Sign Libraries exported from GuideSIGN Exported Sign Libraries
    Standard Signs

    Standard Signs

    User created sign libraries User Sign Libraries

    Dictionary Folder

    The place name and street name dictionaries supplied with the software are installed to the Dictionary folder located in the %appdata%\Transoft Solutions\GuideSIGN 2024.8.2 folder. The Dictionary folder has the Place Names and Street Names subfolders for storing respective dictionaries. Each dictionary file is located in its own folder (e.g., the Alabama place name dictionary AL.txt file is located in the Alabama folder, the Alaska place name dictionary AK.txt file is located in the Alaska folder, etc.). The software uses the names of the folders for the names of the dictionaries displayed under Place Names and Street Names in Program Settings -> Sign Creation Features: Dictionary - Design Category.

    To add a custom name dictionary, save the file to a folder created with the same name as the dictionary file in the Dictionary folder (create the Dictionary folder first if it has not been created previously). Use GuideSIGN Configuration Utility to point the software to the Dictionary location. When the software is run again, the name dictionary will be displayed in the lists in Program Settings -> Sign Creation Features: Dictionary - Design Category and in the Name Suggestions dialog box (see Name Lookup).

    Tutorials User Folder

    The tutorials you create (see Tutorials -> Record) are stored in the Tutorials User folder located in the %appdata%\Transoft Solutions\GuideSIGN 2024.8.2 folder.