ParkCAD 5.0 Help
To Edit Iteration Details
Tools > Design Manager > To Edit Iteration Details

Allows the information on a design iteration to be edited. This procedure assumes that at least one parking design was created (see To Create a New Design), at least one design iteration was saved (see To Save a Design Iteration), and that the Design Manager dialog box is open (see Design Manager).

To Edit Iteration Details:

  1. Under Available Designs, click the desired parking design (if only one design was previously saved, it will be selected automatically).

  2. Under Iterations, click the design iteration whose details you want to edit.

  3. Click Edit Iteration Details. A dialog box similar to the following example displays:

Save New Design Iteration

  1. Edit the iteration data in the Iteration Name and/or Comment edit boxes as necessary.

  2. Click OK to apply the changes and return to the Design Manager dialog box.

Save New Design Iteration Dialog Box Explained

Save New Design Iteration dialog box

Design Name

Displays the name of the current parking design.

Iteration Name

Displays the name of the design iteration. To change the iteration name, type a new name in the Iteration Name edit box.


Displays the comment for the design iteration. To change the comment, type the desired text in the Comment dialog box.