GuideSIGN Plus 8.0 Help
Creating a Sign Assembly: Basic Steps
Using Sign Planning Features > Creating a Sign Assembly: Basic Steps

The following procedure describes the basic steps of creating a sign assembly and placing in into a sign plan drawing.

  1. Use the General category of Program Settings to select the appropriate design units and insertion scale for the sign assembly, and text height for the sign assembly label (see Tools -> Program Settings - Plan -> General Category).

  2. Use the Display category of Program Settings to specify the desired display mode (see Tools -> Program Settings - Plan -> Display Category).

  3. Use Properties to specify the various properties that determine how sign assembly and annotation elements will be drawn (see Tools -> Properties- Plan -> Sign Assembly Category and Tools -> Properties - Plan -> Annotations Category).

  4. Use the Reference Line Manager tool to add a reference line and offset reference geometry, and to specify horizontal clearances for them (see Managing Reference Lines -> Adding a Reference Line).

Note: Adding reference lines and offset reference geometry requires the presence of appropriate series of line or arc objects (joined end-to-end) or polyline/complex chains drawn in AutoCAD or MicroStation.

  1. Use the Create Sign Assembly tool to create a sign assembly:

    1. In the Sign Assembly tab of the Create Sign Assembly dialog box, specify the sign assembly status, add custom notes, select the sign support type and mounting type (if applicable) for the sign assembly, and then specify the location and sign facing (if applicable) for the sign group (see Tools -> Create Sign Assembly - Sign Assembly).
    2. (Optional) Click Select Sign Group Arrangement to select an arrangement for the sign group (see Creating and Editing a Sign Assembly -> Selecting a Sign Group Arrangement), and then click Replace Sign in the Sign Data tab of the Create Sign Assembly dialog box to replace the boxes in the sign group arrangement with signs (see Creating and Editing a Sign Assembly -> Replacing a Sign).
    3. Click Insert Standard Sign and Insert User-Defined Sign in the Sign Assembly tab of the Create Sign Assembly dialog box to add the desired signs to the sign group (see Creating and Editing a Sign Assembly -> Inserting a Standard Sign and Creating and Editing a Sign Assembly -> Inserting a User-Defined Sign respectively).
    4. In the Sign Data tab, specify the sign state code and status, change the size of the sign, add replacement text, and adjust the alignment spacing and horizontal/vertical shift for each desired sign (see Tools -> Create Sign Assembly - Sign Data).
    5. (Optional) Click Move Sign in the Sign Data tab of the Create Sign Assembly dialog box to re-arrange the signs in the sign group if necessary (see Creating and Editing a Sign Assembly -> Moving a Sign).
    6. (Optional) Click Add Sign Group in the Sign Assembly tab of the Create Sign Assembly dialog box to add another sign group to the sign assembly if necessary (see Creating and Editing a Sign Assembly -> Adding a Sign Group), and then repeat steps (a) through (e).
  1. Place the sign support symbol in the sign plan drawing (see Tools -> Create Sign Assembly -> Place Sign Support Symbol).

(Optional) If you have selected a reference line or offset reference geometry relative to which the sign support symbol will be placed in the sign plan drawing, click Override Horizontal Clearance in the Place Sign Support Symbol dialog box to override the horizontal clearance specified for the reference line or offset reference geometry (see Creating and Editing a Sign Assembly -> Overriding the Horizontal Clearance).

  1. Specify sign facing for the sign assembly (see Tools -> Create Sign Assembly -> Set Sign Facing).

  2. If the sign assembly uses a cantilever, butterfly cantilever, span, or span + cantilever sign support (see Tools -> Create Sign Assembly - Sign Assembly Tab: Sign Support Type), specify the span length (see Tools -> Create Sign Assembly -> Set Span Length) and the sign group location (Tools -> Create Sign Assembly -> Set Sign Group Location).

  3. Modify the sign assembly status if necessary (Replace, Existing, Proposed, Remove, Relocate), specify whether you want the leader line to be drawn, and then place sign groups/annotations in the sign plan drawing (see Tools -> Create Sign Assembly -> Place Sign Groups/Annotations).

  4. Set the sign groups/annotations angle (see Tools -> Create Sign Assembly -> Set Sign Groups/Annotations Angle).