GuideSIGN Plus 8.0 Help
Set Sign Group Location
Tools > Create Sign Assembly > Set Sign Group Location

Allows the sign group location to be specified with a sign assembly that uses a span sign support (see Create Sign Assembly: Sign Support Type).

To Set a Sign Group's Location:

  1. In the course of creating a sign assembly, after setting the span length, the Set Sign Group Location dialog box displays:

Set Sign Group Location

  1. In the drawing, click a sign group on the span. The Set Sign Group Location dialog box updates to show the selected sign group as in the following example:

Set Sign Group Location - Sign Group Selected

  1. In the drawing, move the mouse pointer to adjust the sign group's location as necessary.
  2. Repeat steps 2-3 as necessary to adjust all sign groups in the sign assembly.
  3. Click Next.

Note: The sign groups can be both slid and flipped my moving the mouse pointer in the drawing.


Set Sign Group Location Dialog Box

Selected Sign Group Preview

Displays the sign group that was selected in the sign assembly in the drawing.