ParkCAD 5.0 Help
Configure Displayed Sections
Tools > Design Manager > Configure Displayed Sections

Allows displayed sections of a report to be configured. This procedure assumes that either the Iteration Summary Report, Compare Design Iterations, or Parking Design Summary Report dialog box is open (see Design Manager -> To Create an Iteration Summary Report, Design Manager -> To Compare Iterations, or Create Report -> Summary Report respectively).

To Configure the Displayed Sections:

  1. Click Configure Iteration List. A dialog box similar to the following example displays:

Configure Displayed Sections

  1. By default, all sections' check boxes are selected. If you do not want one or more particular sections to display, clear the corresponding check boxes. To have a section displayed, select the corresponding check box.
  2. Click OK to apply the changes and return to the Iteration Summary Report, Compare Design Iterations, or Parking Design Summary Report dialog box.