GuideSIGN Plus 2024 Help
Tools / Place Highway Text / Name Lookup
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    Name Lookup
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    This feature is not available in GuideSIGN SIGMA.

    Allows you to choose the desired place name (for a guide sign) or street name (for a street name sign) from a preset list in the Name Suggestions dialog box which opens when you click Name Lookup in the Place Highway Text and Sign Parameters dialog boxes.

    To load the desired place name and street name dictionaries, select the corresponding check boxes under Place Names and Street Names respectively in Program Settings' Dictionary - Design Category.

    Name Suggestions Dialog Box (Guide Sign)

    Place Names

    Displays a place names list that the software has compiled based on the letters that you typed in the Place Name box in the Place Highway Text or Sign Parameters dialog box (if you do not type anything and simply click Name Lookup, the software will display a complete list of place names contained in the currently loaded dictionaries). By default, the list is sorted alphabetically in ascending order. To have it sorted by state, county, or class (Airport, Arch, Area, Bar, etc.), click the corresponding column heading.

    Control Cities

    Displays a cities list that the software has compiled based on the letters that you typed in the Place Name box in the Place Highway Text or Sign Parameters dialog box (if you do not type anything and simply click Name Lookup, the software will display a complete list of place names contained in the currently loaded dictionaries). By default, the list is sorted alphabetically in ascending order. To have it sorted by state or interstate direction, click the corresponding column heading.

    Note: The choice between Place Names and Control Cities is available only if the Interstate dictionary is loaded (see Program Settings' Dictionary - Design Category).

    Name Suggestions Dialog Box (Street Name Sign)

    Displays a street names list that the software has compiled based on the letters that you typed in the Street Name box in the Place Highway Text or Sign Parameters dialog box (if you do not type anything and simply click Name Lookup, the software will display a complete list of street names contained in the currently loaded dictionaries). By default, the list is sorted alphabetically in ascending order. To have it sorted by state, click the State column heading.