GuideSIGN Plus 2024 Help
Tools / Place Symbol / Place Symbol
In This Topic
    Place Symbol
    In This Topic

    Allows you to place a symbol in a sign panel.

    Note: To create a custom symbol using CAD functionality see Creating Custom Symbols in CAD below.

    Select Symbol Dialog Box

    Panel Information Section

    Displays the panel style, drawing units, and M.U.T.C.D. Edition of the currently selected panel.

    Browse for Symbol

    Select a symbol library and a symbol.

    Note: User created symbols display with the custom graphic in the browse tree.

    Number of objects to display

    Specify the number of symbols to display in the preview area below.

    Preview Area

    Displays the preview of the symbols contained in the symbol library that is currently open under Browse for Symbol.

    Button Option Click to...
    Previous / Next Preview the next / previous group of symbols.
    Zoom In / Zoom Out Zoom the selected symbol to the full viewing area.
    Information Get information on the selected symbol.

    Creating Custom Symbols in CAD

    Before creating custom symbols, see Preparing for Display Modes.

    You are recommended to store custom symbol libraries in the Region and M.U.T.C.D. year folder that you plan to use them with. These folders are located in the Contents User folder (see Customizing GuideSIGN Plus -> Saving User Created Content), for example ...Contents User\Design\USA\2009\Symbols.

    Note: For the purpose of consistency, a symbol library should contain symbols created using the same units.

    To Create a Custom Symbol:

    1. Draw a symbol.
    2. Add the new symbol to the desired library (see Adding Objects to Custom Libraries).