ParkCAD 5.0 Help
Flow Arrows
Tools > Flow Arrows

Allows the traffic flow direction arrows in a parking lot to be edited that were initially drawn by the Generate Lot from Boundary tool.

The Flow Arrows tool can be used to:

To Change Aisles from One-Way to Two-Way aisles and Vice Versa:

Flow Arrows

  1. Click Flow Arrows on the ParkCAD toolbar or ribbon if it is not already the current editing tool.
  2. In the drawing, select the one-way aisle that you want to edit. The Flow Arrows dialog box shows the One-Way Aisle option selected.
  3. In the Flow Arrows dialog box, select the Two-Way Aisle option. In the drawing, the flow arrows are changed.
  4. In the drawing, select a different row or right-click to end this tool.

  1. Click Flow Arrows on the ParkCAD toolbar or ribbon if it is not already the current editing tool.
  2. In the drawing, select the two-way aisle that you want to edit. The Flow Arrows dialog box shows the Two-Way Aisle option selected.
  3. In the Flow Arrows dialog box, select the One-Way Aisle option. In the drawing, the flow arrows are changed.
  4. In the drawing, select a different row or right-click to end this tool.

To Change Aisles from One Lane to Two Lanes in the Same Direction and Vice Versa:

Flow Arrows

  1. Click Flow Arrows on the ParkCAD toolbar or ribbon if it is not already the current editing tool.
  2. In the drawing, select the one-way aisle that you want to edit. The Flow Arrows dialog box shows the One-Way Aisle option selected.
  3. In the Flow Arrows dialog box, select the Two Lanes in the Same Direction option. In the drawing, the flow arrows are changed.
  4. In the drawing, select a different row or right-click to end this tool.

  1. Click Flow Arrows on the ParkCAD toolbar or ribbon if it is not already the current editing tool.
  2. In the drawing, select the two lane aisle that you want to edit. The Flow Arrows dialog box shows the Two Lanes in the Same Direction option selected.
  3. In the Flow Arrows dialog box, select the One-Way Aisle option. In the drawing, the flow arrows are changed.
  4. In the drawing, select a different row or right-click to end this tool.

To Swap the Flow Direction of an Aisle:

Flow Arrows

  1. Click Flow Arrows on the ParkCAD toolbar or ribbon if it is not already the current editing tool.
  2. In the drawing, select the aisle that you want to edit. The Flow Arrows dialog box shows the Flow Direction of the selected aisle.
  3. In the Flow Arrows dialog box, click the Swap Flow button. In the drawing, the flow arrows are changed.
  4. In the drawing, select a different row or right-click to end this tool.

Flow Arrows Dialog Box Explained

Flow Arrows dialog box

Flow Direction Section

Two-Way Aisle

This option indicates that the selected row is a two-way aisle.

One-Way Aisle

This option indicates that the selected row is a one-way aisle.

Two Lanes in the Same Direction

This option indicates that the selected row is a two lane aisle with both lanes travelling in the same direction.

Swap Flow

Click this button to reverse the flow direction of the selected aisle.

Custom Flow Section

Add Flow Arrows

Click this button to draw additional flow arrows in the parking lot by picking the start and end points of the custom flow.

Remove Flow Arrows

Click this button to remove the selected flow arrows.