Allows you to select the current accessibility standard and stall layout as well as create new accessibility standards and, copy, edit, rename, or remove existing user created ones. An accessibility standard is a set of rules and stall layouts used in the Accessible Parking tool (see Tools -> Accessible Parking). Several accessibility standards are supplied with the program (see Overview -> Accessibility Standards for a complete list). You can also create accessibility standards to handle specifications outlined by different local authorities.
Note: The supplied accessibility standards cannot be edited, renamed, or removed. However, you can copy them to create new accessibility standards that can then be edited, renamed, and removed.
Click Design Parameters on the ParkCAD toolbar or ribbon.
Click the Accessibility Standards category. The following dialog box displays:
Design Parameters - Accessibility Standards
Under Accessibility Standard, in the Current list, select the desired accessibility standard.
Under Stall Layout, in the Current list, select the desired stall layout.
Click OK.
Note: These settings are used by the Accessible Parking Tool (see Tools -> Accessible Parking).
Select the current accessibility standard from the Current list. Accessibility Standards contain the rules and layouts used to determine the required number of accessible stalls in the selected designs, lots, or rows based on a fixed number, percentage, or variable amount when using the Accessible Parking tool (see Tools -> Accessible Parking).
Select the current stall layout from the Current list. Stall Layouts represent the information required to draw the different types of accessible stalls (e.g. car, van, or universal accessible stalls).
Click Design Parameters on the ParkCAD toolbar or ribbon.
Click the Accessibility Standards category.
Click New. The following dialog box displays:
New Accessibility Standard
In the Name edit box, type a name for the new accessibility standard.
Click Information to type a description or notes for the accessibility standard then click OK to return to the New Accessibility Standard dialog box.
Under Rules, click Add to add a new rule. The following dialog box displays:
New Rule
In the Rule Type list, select a rule type (Fixed, Variable, Percentage, or Fixed and Variable), specify the parameters of the rule then click Add Rule.
Note: The last rule must be set to infinity so that the accessibility standard will work on any lot/row of any number of stalls.
When you have finished adding rules click OK to return to the New Accessibility Standard dialog box.
Under Stall Layouts, click Add to add a new stall layout. The following dialog box displays:
New Stall Layout
In the Name edit box, type a name for the stall layout.
Click Information then add a description or notes for the stall layout.
In the Stall Width edit box, specify a width value.
In the Access Aisle Width edit box, specify a width value for the accompanying access aisle.
In the Symbol list, select a symbol to distinguish the accessible stall from other stall types.
Select the Allow Angled Stalls check box if this layout is to support angled stall layouts (by default, the stall layout does not support angled stalls). Click All Angles or click Acceptable Angles then type angle values then click Add to add them to the supported angles list.
When you have finished specifying the new stall layout click OK to return to the New Accessibility Standard dialog box.
When you have finished adding rules and stall layouts click OK to return to the Design Parameters -> Accessibility Standards dialog box. The newly created accessibility standard is now the current accessibility standard.
Click OK to close the Design Parameters dialog box.
Click Design Parameters on the ParkCAD toolbar or ribbon.
Click the Accessibility Standards category.
Under Accessibility Standard, in the Current list, select the desired accessibility standard.
Click Copy. A dialog box similar to the following displays:
New Accessibility Standard
In the Name edit box, type a name for the new accessibility standard.
Click Information, type a description or notes for the accessibility standard then click OK to return to the New Accessibility Standard dialog box.
Add/edit rules and stall layouts as desired then click OK to save the new accessibility standard and return to the Design Parameters -> Accessibility Standards dialog box. The newly created accessibility standard is now the current accessibility standard.
Click OK to close the Design Parameters dialog box.
Click Design Parameters on the ParkCAD toolbar or ribbon.
Click the Accessibility Standards category.
Under Accessibility Standard, in the Current list, select the desired accessibility standard.
Click View. The following dialog box displays:
View Accessibility Standard
Click OK to return to the Design Parameters -> Accessibility Standards dialog box.
Click OK to close the Design Parameters dialog box.
Click Design Parameters on the ParkCAD toolbar or ribbon.
Click the Accessibility Standards category.
Under Accessibility Standard, in the Current list, select the desired accessibility standard.
Click View. The following dialog box displays:
View Accessibility Standard
Click Information to view the description or notes (the accessibility standards shipped with ParkCAD contain the source publication information that the accessibility standard is based on). A dialog box similar to the following displays:
Accessibility Standard Information
Click OK to return to the Design Parameters -> Accessibility Standards dialog box.
Click OK to close the Design Parameters dialog box.
Click Design Parameters on the ParkCAD toolbar or ribbon.
Click the Accessibility Standards category.
Under Accessibility Standard, in the Current list, select the desired accessibility standard.
Note: Only user created accessibility standards can be edited.
Click Edit. A dialog box similar to the following displays:
New Accessibility Standard
(Optional) In the Name edit box, type a new name for the accessibility standard.
(Optional) Click Information, change the description or notes for the accessibility standard then click OK to return to the Edit Accessibility Standard dialog box.
(Optional) Click Add to add rules (see above: To Create a New Accessibility Standard) or select a rule then click Edit to edit a rule in the standard. The following dialog box displays:
Edit Rule
In the Rule Type list, select a rule type (Fixed, Variable, Percentage, or Fixed and Variable), specify the parameters of the rule then click Update Rule.
Note: The last rule must be set to infinity so that the accessibility standard will work on any lot/row of any number of stalls.
Click OK to return to the Edit Accessibility Standards dialog box.
(Optional) Click Add to add stall layouts (see above: To Create a New Accessibility Standard) or select a stall layout then click Edit to edit the stall layout in the standard. The following dialog box displays:
Edit Stall Layout
Change the values and settings in the Edit Stall Layout dialog box then click OK to save the changes and return to the Edit Accessibility Standard dialog box.
Click OK to save the accessibility standard and return to the Design Parameters -> Accessibility Standards dialog box.
Click OK to close the Design Parameters dialog box.
Click Design Parameters on the ParkCAD toolbar or ribbon.
Click the Accessibility Standards category.
Under Accessibility Standard, in the Current list, select the desired accessibility standard.
Note: Only user created accessibility standards can be renamed.
Click Rename. A dialog box similar to the following displays:
Rename Accessibility Standard
In the Name edit box, type a new name for the accessibility standard.
Click OK to save the new name and return to the Design Parameters -> Accessibility Standards dialog box.
Click OK to close the Design Parameters dialog box.
Click Design Parameters on the ParkCAD toolbar or ribbon.
Click the Accessibility Standards category.
Under Accessibility Standard, in the Current list, select the desired accessibility standard.
Note: Only user created accessibility standards can be removed.
Click Remove.
Click Yes to confirm removal of the accessibility standard and return to the Design Parameters -> Accessibility Standards dialog box.
Click OK to close the Design Parameters dialog box.
ParkCAD includes several methods for defining requirements rules. The available rule types are:
Each Rule Type uses a corresponding Rule Formula to determine the accessible stall requirement:
Fixed uses a fixed relationship.
Variable uses a rate based on an increment over a fixed number of stalls.
Percentage uses a percentage of the total number of stalls.
Fixed and Variable combines the Fixed and Variable rule formulas.
The fixed rule type is used to determine how many accessible stalls are required for a fixed number of stalls as defined by a range. For example, the selected rule in the following dialog box means: when the stall count is between one and forty inclusive, the accessible stalls requirement is one accessible stall:
Example of the Fixed Rule Type
Note: New accessibility standards are initialized with a fixed rule type that means: when the number of stalls is from one to infinity, one accessible stall is required. As rules are added and edited, the last rule is adjusted automatically to go to infinity so that any lot/row of any number of stalls can be accommodated by the accessibility standard.
The variable rule type is used to determine how many accessible stalls are required for a variable range of stalls. For example, the selected rule in the following dialog box means: when the total stall count is over one hundred stalls, one accessible stall is required for each increment of ten stalls over 100:
Example of the Variable Rule Type
The percentage rule type is used when a percentage of the total stalls are required to be accessible stalls. A range is defined that the percentage is applied to. For example, the selected rule in the following dialog box means: when the total stall count is between one and fifty stalls, two percent of the total stalls are required to be accessible stalls:
Example of the Percentage Rule Type
The fixed and variable rule type is used when a combination of the fixed and variable rule types is needed to define a requirements rule. It is often used to define the last requirements rule in the accessibility standard. For example, the selected rule in the following dialog box means: when the total stall count is above 121 stalls but less than 600 stalls, the requirement is five accessible stalls. When the total stall count is over 500 stalls there is an additional requirement of two stalls for each increment of 100 stalls (so if the total stall count was 601, the requirement would be seven accessible stalls):
Example of the Fixed and Variable Rule Type
Each stall layout defines an accessible stall's properties. Stall Layouts represent the information required to draw the different types of accessible stalls (e.g. car, van, or universal accessible stalls).
New Stall Layout
The name of the accessible stall layout.
A description of the stall layout or notes pertaining to the stall layout.
The width of the accessible stall.
The width of the accompanying access aisle.
The symbol drawn in the accessible stall to distinguish the accessible stalls from other types of stalls in the drawing.
This section determines whether or not the accessible stall layout supports angled stalls (by default, the stall layout does not support angled stalls i.e. the Allow Angled Stalls check box is cleared). When Allow Angled Stalls is selected, accessible stalls can be applied to angled parking stalls. Which angles are supported is determined by the All Angles and Acceptable Angles radio button choice. Choose All Angles to ensure the stall layout works with any stall angles. Choose Acceptable Angles then Add the stall angles in turn that the accessible stall layout will support.
See also: Overview -> Accessibility Standards, Tools -> Accessible Parking.