Properties - Boundary Layers/Levels Category - AutoCAD dialog box displayed
Click Properties on the ParkCAD toolbar or ribbon.
Click OK.
Draw physical, access, and entrance lines on the PCPHYSICAL, PCACCESS, and PCENTRANCE lot boundary layers/levels. ParkCAD will create all parking elements on the layers/levels with the PC prefixes as required (based on the type of element being created).
Create the desired layers using the CAD platform’s layer/level tools.
Click Properties.
Click the drop down box for each layer/level then select the desired layer/level.
Click OK.
Lines are drawn on Physical, Access and Entrance boundary layers/levels to designate certain parking lot characteristics:
Physical Lines designate building walls, curbs, etc. (lines you don’t want vehicles to drive across). Rows of stalls are created inside the lot boundary along lines on the Physical boundary layer/level using the perimeter layout selected in the Design Parameters -> Parking Standards dialog box.
Access Lines designate aisles, driveways, etc. (lines vehicles can drive across). Rows of stalls are created inside the lot boundary up to lines on the Access boundary layer/level using the interior layout selected in the Design Parameters -> Parking Standards dialog box.
Entrance Lines designate driveways or other breaks in the physical boundary lines that vehicles can use to enter/exit a lot. Entrance lines are drawn on the Entrance boundary layer/level. Three-part Entrance Lines: perimeter rows are created up to the entrance lines. End islands are drawn parallel to the entrance lines. Colinear Entrance Lines: perimeter rows are created up to the start of the colinear entrance lines. End islands are drawn perpendicular to colinear entrance lines. Note: Do not let three-part entrance lines extend into the lot beyond the perimeter row’s stall length.
ParkCAD does not actually create any elements on these three layers/levels. They are used by ParkCAD to interpret the user’s design requirements.
Lines are drawn on Physical and Access exclusion boundary layers/levels to designate exclusions – areas within which no rows of parking stalls are created. There are two types of exclusions Physical and Access:
Physical Exclusion Lines designate building walls, curbs, etc. (lines you don’t want vehicles to drive across). Aisles or rows are created on the outside of the exclusion boundary along lines on the Physical exclusion boundary layer/level using the perimeter layout selected in the Design Parameters -> Parking Standards dialog box.
Access Exclusion Lines designate aisles, driveways, etc. (lines vehicles can drive across).
ParkCAD does not actually create any elements on these two layers/levels. They are used by ParkCAD to interpret the user’s design requirements.