ParkCAD 5.0 Help
Boundary Layers/Levels Category
Tools > Properties > Boundary Layers/Levels Category

Properties - Boundary Layers/Levels Category - AutoCAD dialog box displayed

To Use Default ParkCAD Layers/Levels

  1. Click Properties on the ParkCAD toolbar or ribbon.

  2. Click OK.

  3. Draw physical, access, and entrance lines on the PCPHYSICAL, PCACCESS, and PCENTRANCE lot boundary layers/levels. ParkCAD will create all parking elements on the layers/levels with the PC prefixes as required (based on the type of element being created).

To Set Custom Layers/Levels

  1. Create the desired layers using the CAD platform’s layer/level tools.

  2. Click Properties.

  3. Click the drop down box for each layer/level then select the desired layer/level.

  4. Click OK.

Lot Boundary Layers/Levels

Lines are drawn on Physical, Access and Entrance boundary layers/levels to designate certain parking lot characteristics:

Exclusion Boundary Layers/Levels

Lines are drawn on Physical and Access exclusion boundary layers/levels to designate exclusions – areas within which no rows of parking stalls are created. There are two types of exclusions Physical and Access: