Updates an existing panel.
Note: Dividers cannot be added or removed from a panel with this tool - place a new panel to add or create sign dividers (see Place New Panel).
Displays the panel style, the units which the software uses to match the drawing's units, and the M.U.T.C.D. Edition.
Click this button to change the panel style. (see Panel Styles' Select Current Panel Style).
Specify information such as the sign name, quantity, station(s), mounting type, legend, and panel material type. This data is stored with the sign panel and can be included in reports. Any data that will not be included in a report or exported to a file can be left at the default values.
Note: Station information can be specified in this dialog box with multiple stations separated by commas - alternatively, click Advanced, and then enter each station individually in the Stations section (see Place New Panel - Advanced).
Specify the width and height for the panel. Set the Lock check boxes if Auto update panel is selected in Program Settings' Locks - Design Category.
Determines what increment is used to round up panel dimensions. For example, if Round is set to 6 (in imperial units), the panel dimension would be rounded up to the nearest 6 inches.
Makes the panel width and/or height to be forced to the specified values. As long as either the width or the height of the objects placed in the sign does not exceed the locked values, the dimension will remain at the locked values throughout any subsequent panel updates.
Diamond shaped signs do not resize when objects are placed in them - they remain fixed at the size you specify in this dialog box.
Angled and chevron shaped panels require an interior angle in degrees for the pointed corner.
Select either Rounded Corners or Squared Corners in the list to specify whether the corners of the panel will be rounded off or squared respectively. Applies to rectangular and diamond shapes.
The panel anchor is the origin of the sign panel. This is the point about which any subsequent panel updates will be done. For example, if the panel anchor point is set to the center of the panel, the center of the new panel will remain at that point after an update. This is useful for making sure a sign stays in the correct location in a drawing containing more than one sign.
The panel anchor also serves as the insertion point (i.e. origin) for sheets and reports. For example, if the lower-left button is selected, when a sheet or report is later inserted for the sign, it will be located with its origin at the lower-left corner of the sign panel.
Hint: For most situations, use the center/center position.
Updates general panel information without updating the panel size and layout. When selected, the software will update the sign name, quantity, station(s), mounting type, legend, and panel material type data as well as the Available Panel Sizes and Stations settings specified in the Update Existing Panel - Advanced dialog box.
For information on the Advanced parameters, see Update Existing Panel - Advanced.
The Update Existing Panel tool is used for manually updating a sign panel. Normally, the Auto update panel check box should be selected in Program Settings' Locks - Design Category so that panels update automatically.
To have the software automatically update sign panel reports when a panel is updated, select the Auto update report check box in Program Settings' Locks - Design Category.
To have the software automatically update dimensions when a panel is updated, select the Auto place dimensions check box in Program Settings' Locks - Design Category.
To have the software automatically zoom the screen so that the sign and sheet/report (if applicable) fills the center of the screen, select the Auto zoom check box in Program Settings' Locks - Design Category.