GuideSIGN Plus 8.0 Help
Edit Sign Assembly
Tools > Edit Sign Assembly > Edit Sign Assembly

Allows an existing sign assembly to be edited. You can add and delete sign groups, arrange a sign group, insert/replace standard signs and user-defined signs, modify sign assembly options and sign data.


Edit Sign Assembly Dialog Box

Sign Group Preview Section

Button Option Click to...
Select Sign Group Arrangement Select an arrangement for the sign group displayed in the Sign Group Preview area.
Insert Standard Sign Select a standard sign and insert it into the sign group.
Insert User-Defined Sign

Select a user-defined sign and insert it into the sign group.

Note: The Insert User-Defined Sign button is only available if the software is authorized.

Add Sign Group Add a sign group to the sign assembly.
Delete Sign Group Delete the current sign group from the sign assembly.

Sign Group Preview Area

Displays the preview of the current sign group. To view sign information, move the pointer over the desired sign. To view the vertical/horizontal spacing between two signs, move the pointer over the desired spacing. If you click a sign or box, the vertical/horizontal spacing and a vertical line indicating the central alignment of the sign or box will display.

Button Option Click to...
Previous Sign Group Preview the previous sign group.
Next Sign Group Preview the next sign group.

Sign Assembly Tab

Sign Assembly Settings Section

ID Number

Specify the desired number in the ID Number box.

Note: To have the software assign the next consecutive number to each new sign assembly, clear the Reuse Available Sign Assembly ID check box located in Program Settings' General - Plan Category.

Assembly Status

Select the desired status in the Assembly Status list.

Custom Notes 1 and 2

Allows you to add notes on the sign assembly.

Sign Support Section

Sign Support Type

Select the desired type in the Sign Support Type list. As you change the sign support type, the sign assembly symbol preview will update accordingly.

Mounting Type

Select the desired mounting type in the Mounting Type list.

Note: Mounting types will only be available if you select Single Post, Double Post, or Triple Post in the Sign Support Type list.

Sign Group Section


Select the location for the sign group on the sign support(s) in the Location list.

Note: The contents of the Location list depend on the Sign Support Type.

Sign Facing

To specify the direction the sign is facing, click the desired angle value in the Sign Facing list.


Local Insertion Scale Section

Displays the current sign support symbol and sign group insertion scale values specified in Program Settings -> General - Plan. To override the default values, type the desired values in the Sign Support Symbol and Sign Group boxes respectively.

Annotations Section

Select the desired Annotations Set in the list. This set of sign assembly and sign group annotations will be placed with the sign assembly in the drawing.

Click  Edit Annotations Set to edit the selected user created annotations (set see Edit Annotations Set).

Click  Program Settings to access more tools associated with annotations sets (see Program Settings -> Annotations - Plan).

Sign Support Symbol Preview

Displays a top view of the sign support symbol that will be drawn in the sign plan drawing to represent one or more sign groups.

Note: The sign support symbol is previewed with the sign facing at a zero (0) degree rotation angle in the Cartesian coordinate system.

Reference Line Section

Displays the reference line and offset reference geometry that the sign assembly was placed relative to.

Note: If the sign assembly was not placed relative to any reference line or offset reference geometry, the Reference Line section does not display.

Export to Plan Templates

Select this check box to create a .json file that is then used in creating a sign plan template (see Create Template from Sign Assemblies).