GuideSIGN Plus 8.0 Help
Select Sign Group Arrangement
Tools > Create Sign Assembly > Select Sign Group Arrangement

Allows an arrangement for a sign group to be selected from the list of available preset sign group arrangements.

Select Sign Group Arrangement Dialog Box

Browse for Arrangement

Browse for a sign group arrangement. To select a sign group arrangement, click the desired sign group arrangement in the list.

Preview Area

Displays the preview of the contents of the sign group arrangement folder that is currently open under Browse for Arrangement. The selected sign group arrangement displays outlined in red.

Number of cells to display

Displays the number of sign group arrangement cells displayed per page in the preview area. To change the number of sign group arrangement cells displayed per page, click the desired value in the list.


Button Option Click to...
  Previous / Next Preview the next / previous group of symbols.
  Zoom In / Zoom Out Zoom the selected symbol to the full viewing area.
Information Get information on the selected symbol.