GuideSIGN Plus 2024 Help
Tools / Panel Styles / Border Category
In This Topic
    Border Category
    In This Topic

    This feature is not available in GuideSIGN SIGMA.

    The panel style displays in edit mode if it is a user created panel style or in view mode if it was shipped with the software.

    Panel Information Section

    Displays the name of the current panel style, the units which the software uses to match the drawing's units, and the M.U.T.C.D. Edition.

    Border Radius Section

    Border Thickness Section

    Border Inset From Panel Edge Section

    Divider Thickness Section

    Allows you to set the thickness of any divider lines in the panel (see Place New Panel). These lines are used to subdivide a sign panel into sub-panels. This value will be ignored for signs that do not have divider lines. A realistic value should be entered in case the style is later used to create a sign with divider lines. A typical value for calculation would be between 0.5 and 1.0.

    Divider Corner Radius Section

    The inner border radius is defined as the result of subtracting the border thickness from the border radius.


    Allows you to add a description for the panel style (i.e. suggested use, the reference source, and the sizes and fonts (letter series) for the major text).