GuideSIGN Plus 2024 Help
Tools / Move Single Object
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    Move Single Object
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    This feature is not available in GuideSIGN SIGMA.

    Allows you to move a single object relative to all other objects in a sign panel or move a sign panel (with contents).

    For information on moving one object or group of objects relative to another object or group of objects, see Move Multiple Objects.

    Move Object Dialog Box


    The software provides several snap modes for placing and moving objects. Dragging the pointer moves the bounding box of the object to the nearest snap position.

    Snap Mode Description
    Off The object can be placed anywhere.
    To objects

    Snaps to other objects in the same sign panel. There are 12 snap positions around the outside of each object.

    To manually set the object spacing, select the Manual spacing check box, and then type the desired horizontal and vertical spacing values in the Horizontal and Vertical boxes respectively.

    To margins

    Snaps to the margins of the sign panel. There are 9 snap positions around the margins of a sign panel.

    To manually set the margin spacing, select the Manual spacing check box, and then type the desired left, right, top and bottom spacing values in the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom boxes respectively.

    To panel Snaps to anywhere on the sign panel perimeter. Usually used to place exit number panels. There are 12 snap positions around the outside of a sign panel.
    To border (short line only)

    Snaps to the linear border of the sign panel.

    • If Calc was selected under Line Length in the Place Short Line dialog box, the short line will be centered between the inside of the perpendicular sign panel borders.
    • If Fix was selected under Line Length in the Place Short Line dialog box, the short line will be snapped to the inside of the perpendicular sign panel border.

    To manually set the border spacing, select the Manual spacing check box, and then type the desired value in the Distance to border box. The distance is measured between the inside of the border and the nearest side of the short line.

    Point to point

    Snaps the placing object relative to a fixed object by specifying a distance between selected snap points on each. To specify the horizontal and vertical distances between the snap points (one on the placing object and one on the object in the sign panel), type the desired values in the Horizontal and Vertical boxes respectively.

    Note: When placing short lines, this mode is only available if Fix was selected under Line Length in the Place Short Line dialog box.

    Center objects (with a short line as the fixed object)

    Snaps a selected group of objects to the center of the area between the inside of the panel border and a short line snapped to the panel border based on the panel style's margin settings.

    Note: The Center objects mode is only available when a short line is selected as the fixed object.

    To panel's edge

    Snaps to the edge of the panel.

    Note: This option works best if the panel's Width and/or Height are Locked or if Auto update panel is off.

    Note: Not all Snap Modes are available for all objects.

    Manual Spacing

    Select this check box to allow the horizontal or vertical object spacing, or margin spacing to be manually set.

    Fix X/Y

    When moving an existing object, either the X or Y coordinates can be held fixed. This is similar to setting the axis lock in MicroStation or using ortho mode in AutoCAD/BricsCAD.

    After you select an object to be moved, a corresponding bounding box will display in the drawing area so you can preview the new position of the object. As you move the pointer choosing a new place for the selected object, the bounding box will move accordingly, displaying the available positions that may differ depending on the current snap mode and Fix X/Y settings.

    Preview Area

    Displays the placing/moving object.