GuideSIGN Plus 2024 Help
Tools / Create Sign from Template / Multi-Sign Parameters
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    Multi-Sign Parameters
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    This feature is not available in GuideSIGN SIGMA.

    Multi-Sign Parameters Dialog Box

    Sign List

    Displays the street name sign list loaded using the Open Street Name Sign List File dialog box. To specify the signs to be created, select the corresponding Draw check boxes. The following Fit indicators show the sign fit status:

    Indicator Status
    Green The sign fits a panel blank length available in the sign template.
    Orange The sign does not exceed the blank length but it does not use any of the panel blank length values available in the template.
    Red The sign exceeds any of the panel blank lengths available in the sign template.

    If a sign has a spacing violation (i.e. its Fit indicator is red), click Edit to modify the panel blank length for the sign (see Edit Sign). For information on specifying sign panel blank length values, see Create Template from Sign -> To Create a Template from a Street Name Sign.

    Select All

    Click this button to select all of the Draw check boxes.

    Clear All

    Click this button to clear all selected Draw check boxes.

    Invert Selection

    Click this button to select all cleared Draw check boxes and clear all selected Draw check boxes.


    Click this button to generate a report for the current street name sign creation project. Specify a name for the report file (.rpt) in the File name box and then click Save. The newly created street name sign report opens in your default text editor. View and/or edit the file, and then close the text editor to return to the Multi-Sign Parameters dialog box.


    Click this button to save the current multiple street name sign creation project for future use. Specify a name for the street name sign project file (.prj) in the File name box, and then click Save to return to the Multi-Sign Parameters dialog box.

    Sign Preview

    Displays the preview of the street name sign currently selected under Sign List.


    Allows you to modify the panel blank length for the currently selected sign in case of spacing violation (i.e. if the Fit indicator of the sign is red, see Edit Sign.