AutoTURN Pro 2025 Help
Customizing AutoTURN Pro / Creating a Profile Drawing
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    Creating a Profile Drawing
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    To make it possible to display a side view or profile picture of each vehicle in the vehicles dialog boxes, profile drawings must be available to AutoTURN Pro. Profile drawings are included with the software for all the supplied vehicles.

    However, if you create a custom vehicle and wish to be able to do any of the following, then a profile drawing must be created:

    Creating a profile drawing is optional because AutoTURN Pro will automatically display a plan view if no profile drawing exists. However, the Insert Profile tool requires a profile drawing.

    General Guidelines

    Profile Layers/Levels

    Drawings should be created with the following layer/level setup:

    Layer/Level Description
    ATVEHICLE All lines pertaining to the vehicle
    ATDIMS All dimension lines
    ATTEXT All dimension labels and text
    ATCONNECTION Front and rear connector circles to link part profiles

    Profile Tags

    Profile drawings must contain text elements called tags that tell AutoTURN Pro where particular vehicle dimensions or other parameters are to be placed. The tags are text strings of 2 or 3 characters that represent the various possible dimensions that can be applied to each vehicle part, and some that apply to the vehicle as a whole.

    Note: A tag must be created as a single line object (e.g. using the TEXT or DTEXT command in AutoCAD).

    For each vehicle part, use the following tags followed by a number indicating the part number:

    Tag Description
    BF Body Front Overhang
    WB Wheelbase
    BL Body Length
    BP Body Front to Pivot
    CR Rear Axle Group Center to Connector
    WD Width
    TD Maximum Telescoping Distance
    CO Cargo Front Overhang
    RO Cargo Rear Overhang
    CL Cargo Length
    CW Cargo Width
    EW Cargo Effective Wheelbase
    CA Cargo Articulating Angle
    TR Front Track
    RT Rear Track
    LIB Library Name
    AA Maximum Articulating Angle
    MT Minimum Centerline Turning Radius

    Note: The cargo’s front overhang is measured from the bunk on the preceding part.

    For the whole vehicle:

    Tag Description
    LL Lock to Lock Time
    SA Steering Lock Angle

    Vehicle Profile Drawing - Part Numbering

    Each part's tag includes a number corresponding to its part number.

    Example of a typical vehicle profile drawing for a vehicle with two parts

    Part Profile Drawing - Part Numbering

    For trailer part profiles, use the "#" symbol after the tag for sequencing when you want to use the part multiple times in the same vehicle - AutoTURN Pro will replace the "#" symbol with the corresponding part number when the vehicle is displayed or drawn.

    Example of a part profile drawing for a trailer