GuideSIGN Markings 2024.8.2
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    User Menu Settings
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    Those organisations with experienced CAD operators may well want to have customisations like those above, to be distributed out for use by everyone. To help you do this GuideSIGN Markings has the ability to automatically look for and load an additional menu every time it starts. Not only that the menu folder will be added to the search path, in order for the icons to display their bmps.

    The command USERMENUSETTINGS will create a file ‘autousermenu.lsp’ in the GuideSIGN Markings ‘all users application data’ folder. The items configured will tell GuideSIGN Markings which menu and folder to add into the application. It will check every time it starts and if the settings are not yet applied it will add them into the system. This overcomes the need to ‘set up’ organisation customisations whenever a new user starts AutoCAD & GuideSIGN Markings for the first time.

    There is a sample menu, bmps and ‘autousermenu.lsp’ in the userfiles folder. This can be used as a starting point for anyone who wants to try and use this sort of customisation.