GuideSIGN Markings 2024.8.2
Viewing In 3D - Drivers Eye View / Slideshows
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    The Driver's Eye View Routines are only available in the AutoCAD version of GuideSIGN Markings. The sub sections 1 to 10 do not apply to either the Microstation Connect or Select versions.

    Create Slideshow

    The 3D view which GuideSIGN Markings can generate automatically can be useful both for design (including safety audit) and presentation purposes.

    Even more useful is the ability to see the view change as a driver/viewer progresses along a route.

    This GuideSIGN Markings function now automatically creates a slideshow which follows the progression down any chosen path. Although slideshows are not the ultimate viewing tool, they are the best available within standard AutoCAD functions.

    All the user needs to do is to draw a polyline representing the chosen path on the drawing, and invoke the routine from plan view. GuideSIGN Markings will take care of the transfer to Driver’s Eye mode and all other changes needed.

    The user needs to specify a prefix (max. 5 characters) for the slides created. The same name can be used repeatedly to prevent huge numbers of slides building up. Use a distinctive name if you are likely to keep the slideshow for repeated use.

    The user needs to specify the Movement Increment (in metres) — in other words, the frequency along the route with which the slides are created. This impacts directly on the length of time the routine takes to run, which can be lengthy if a large number of slides are created (e.g., from a long polyline or small movement increment).

    Using a polyline consisting of smooth arc segments will be more realistic than one consisting of straight sections.


    The viewer looks at a target point some distance ahead. If the path followed turns through tight radii, a large view distance could cut across a corner. For tight radii, a value for the target view distance which approximates to 20 metres appears to be a reasonable initial start. Note that the system requires this value to be specified as a multiple of the movement increment, e.g., 4 steps of a 5 m increment.


    The user can choose whether the polyline followed is visible in the slideshow. If visibility is required e.g. to confirm that the correct path is followed, simply draw the polyline on a layer which is visible in the Driver’s Eye View state. If the polyline need not be seen, draw it in a layer not shown in the Driver’s Eye View.

    When the routine finishes, it creates automatically files giving information for both the following viewing methods.

    View Step Slideshow

    This method of viewing the created slideshow will allow users to step through the sequence of slides created in the above routine, moving forward and backwards, perhaps to check how the view changes between two points, as many times as required.

    Simply choose the series name, and the approximate delay time on the slide, and then step through the series using the F key on the keyboard for Forwards and the B key for backwards.


    The keyboard buffer on the computer can produce a delayed reaction.

    View Full Slideshow

    Using this option, the user can run the script file to view the entire slideshow. Simply choose the name given to the slideshow series, and the show will run.

    A low value (e.g., 1 second) will be appropriate if you wish to approximate the feeling of driving through. A longer value may be needed if you wish to check details as the show progresses. Alternatively, use the step method of viewing, detailed above, which allows the progress to be halted at any point.