GuideSIGN Plus 2024 Help
Tools / Report Manager / Select Filters
In This Topic
    Select Filters
    In This Topic

    This feature is not available in GuideSIGN.

    Allows filters for a report to be specified.

    Select Filters Section

    Select Sign Assembly Status filters

    Select the check boxes preceding the names of the sign assembly status filters to be included in the report.

    Select Sign Support Type filters

    Select the check boxes preceding the names of the sign support types filters to be included in the report.

    Note: Sign support type filters are secondary in relation to sign assembly status filters (i.e. the selected sign support type filters will be applied only to the sign assemblies that have the statuses selected for the report).

    Reference Line Filters Section

    Note: This section is only available if the report is going to be generated for the sign assemblies that were placed relative to the reference line selected in the previous dialog box (see Sign Assembly Selection Method).

    Between Two Distances

    Allows you to have the report generated for a reference line segment located between two distances rather than for the entire reference line. To specify the reference line segment for the report, select the Between Two Distances check box, and then type the desired distance length values in the First Distance and Last Distance boxes.

    Side of Reference Line

    Allows you to choose the side(s) of the reference line for which the report will be generated. To have the report generated for both sides of the reference line, for the left side, or for the right side, click Both, Left, or Right respectively.

    Note: Reference line filters are tertiary in relation to sign assembly status and sign support type filters (i.e. the selected reference line filters will be applied only to the sign assemblies that have the statuses and sign support types selected for the report).