In This Topic
This feature is not available in GuideSIGN SIGMA.
The panel style displays in edit mode if it is a user created panel style or in view mode if it was shipped with the software.
Panel Information Section
Displays the name of the current panel style, the units which the software uses to match the drawing's units, and the M.U.T.C.D. Edition.
Arrow Width Sections
Allows you to specify the width across the forks for down and directional arrows.
- To have the arrow width calculated as a factor multiplied by the maximum text height in the sign, click Calc, and then type the factor to use in the calculation. If no text occurs in the sign, the text height used is the largest text height set under the Text category (see Text Category).
- To set the arrow width to a particular value, click Fix, and then type the value for the arrow width.
Route Shield Height Section
Allows you to specify the height for route shields. Route shield size is entered as a height because widths may vary for different numbers of digits in the route number.
Symbol Height Section
Allows you to specify the height for symbols.
- To have the symbol height calculated as a factor multiplied by the maximum text height in the sign, click Calc, and then type the factor to use in the calculation. If no text occurs in the sign, the text height used is the largest text height set under the Text category (see Text Category).
- To set the symbol height to a particular value, click Fix, and then type the value for the symbol height.
Allows you to add a description for the panel style (i.e. suggested use, the reference source, and the sizes and fonts (letter series) for the major text).