GuideSIGN Plus 2024 Help
Tools / Export Sign Data
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    Export Sign Data
    In This Topic

    This feature is not available in GuideSIGN SIGMA.

    Allows you to export sign data to a text file named for the current drawing file with a .txt extension in the Sign Data folder (located in the Contents User folder).

    Each sign data file contains the data field names on the first line followed by the data for each sign in the file, one sign per line. Fields are exported in the order they appear in the User Data Fields list and are separated by tabs. The exported file can be imported into a spreadsheet or database to create a sign inventory that includes data for each sign.

    Export Sign Data Dialog Box

    Available Data Fields

    Lists the data fields which the software can export to a sign data file.

    User Data Fields

    Lists the data fields to be exported to a sign data file.


    Adds the field selected under Available Data Fields to the end of the User Data Fields list.


    Deletes the field selected under User Data Fields.