GuideSIGN Plus 2024 Help
Tools / Create Template from Sign / Text Settings
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    Text Settings
    In This Topic

    This feature is not available in GuideSIGN SIGMA.

    To modify the settings of a text element, select the desired text element by clicking it in the Template Preview.

    Panel Information Section

    Displays the current panel style, the units which the software uses to match the drawing's units, and the M.U.T.C.D. Edition.

    Sign Preview

    Displays the preview of the sign to be used for a new template. The pointer will change shape as you move it over the sign preview to help you select a sign element. As you select a text element, the parameters available at the right of Sign Preview will change accordingly. As you modify the template parameters, the preview will update dynamically.

    Select each element to display and modify it's settings as required. Ensure that the positioning of the elements in the sign preview is similar to that in the original sign.


    Lets you specify whether the user of the template will be able to modify the text when creating a new sign based on the template.

    Text Type

    To specify a text type for the text element, click the desired text type in the list.

    Hint: When a sign is created from a template, text styles are applied to text elements based on the corresponding text types. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to click each text element in the template preview and make sure the text type is specified correctly.

    Horizontally Centered in the Panel

    To have the software center the text in the panel horizontally, select the Horizontally Centered in the Panel check box.

    Note: As the software centers the text in the panel, the text element's range box extends to the panel edge on both sides.

    Base Point

    Indicates the position of the selected text element within its range box and the direction in which the range box may grow when a sign is created from the template. Selecting any of the nine options available will make the arrow indicating the text element's position in the preview change its form and position accordingly.

    Change Range Box Size

    Allows you to shift the sides of the text element's range box to align it to a desired sign element. As you select a text element, horizontal and vertical orange bars appear on the sides of the range boxes in the preview to mark the alignment of the selected text element to other sign elements. To shift one of the horizontal or vertical sides of the range box, click a corresponding arrow under Change Range Box Size.

    Note: The maximum size of a range box is limited by the margins of the sign panel and the range boxes of the neighboring objects.