GuideSIGN Plus 2024 Help
Tools / Create Sign from Template / Sign List Confirmation
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    Sign List Confirmation
    In This Topic

    This feature is not available in GuideSIGN SIGMA.

    Current Template

    Displays the preview of the template currently selected in the Select Template dialog box.

    Sign List File

    Displays the street name sign list that was loaded using the Open Street Name Sign List File dialog box. A sign list file contains a list of street names in a comma delimited (.csv) file format which can be edited in any text or spreadsheet editor, e.g. Microsoft® Notepad or Microsoft® Excel.

    The following is a street name sign list example:

    Section of City(NW),Street Name(NAME),Street Type(ST)






    Note: Do not change the first line. Instead, starting at the second line, add parameters in the same order as in the first line, each separated by a comma (do not include parentheses).

    Blank Length / Auto Fit

    Allows you to specify the sign panel blank length or let the software modify it automatically. By default, the software uses the Auto Fit feature to choose the smallest possible blank length from the list of values available in the template to create the signs under Sign List File (for information on specifying Blank Length values, see Create Template from Sign -> Create Template from Street Name Sign). If no blank length that satisfies a sign's spacing requirements is found, the software will use the minimum sized panel (not available in the template) with the proper rounding value as specified in the corresponding panel style.

    To specify the blank length value that the software will use to create all of the signs, click Blank Length, and then type the desired value or select one of the values in the list.