GuideSIGN Plus 2024 Help
Tools / Create Sign Plan with Template / Pick Template Geometry in the Drawing
In This Topic
    Pick Template Geometry in the Drawing
    In This Topic

    Allows you to complete the sign plan by picking the required geometry in the drawing.

    Pick Template Geometry in the Drawing Dialog Box

    Template Geometry Section

    This table contains a row for each item of geometry that needs to be picked in the drawing.


    Click this button and then pick the indicated geometry, based on the Name's tooltip and the Type column (hover over the text in the Name field for a tooltip describing the geometry in the drawing).


    The Status column will display "Selected" with a green background when the geometry or sign assembly has been assigned.

    Click the Select button when a sign assembly has been assigned and then pick an existing sign assembly in the drawing to change the assigned sign assembly.


    Click this button if the required direction is not indicated as desired in the drawing.

    Error Box Section

    This list will grow and shrink until all required geometry is assigned.